"I Understand"- Message from India101

Day 1,222, 14:24 Published in India USA by India101
At his press meet India101 spoke with the press and wanted the following message to be realized via the Hindustani Times. It is our obligation to publish this as we were directed to. Please understand that this is a very important message from India101 a former congressmen that needs to tell his people something.

Fellow Indian Citizens,

I would like to speak to you about my defeat. On day 1,222 I lost the congress elections. My campaign team has various reasons why I lost some of which were: not communicating, contesting from Gujarat, and temporary inactivity. I understand that maybe the Indian people may not want me THIS TERM but they may in the future. That is why I will never give up hope. I understand India but how have I failed you? Please tell me whether it's by message or comment. I want to know.

India101 also went on to say this.

Also if anyone has any type of work that they need me to do like type, or message, or whatever then I will be happy to help. Please just message me tell me what I have to do and I'll see if I can do it or not. MAKE SURE THAT THE WORK THAT YOU WANT ME TO DO IS ACTUALLY NEEDED SO IN YOUR MESSAGE PROVIDE ME WITH A REASON WHY I AM DOING THIS WORK.