"Danish balls. There is no such thing."

Day 1,478, 13:49 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

Denmark. A week ago, Denmark declared the alliance ONE hostile, and since Sweden is part of that alliance, Denmark decided that Sweden will be the first country to feel the Danish sausage up the nose.

Article by Toothpaste

But the Danish warrior spirit ain't what it used to. The Danish congress don't really know how to declare war. Four times they tried, and four times they failed. But its nothing surprising really. Denmark lack experience in this direction. They are mostly used to start Resistance Wars. That's what they have been doing for the last 4 years.

The Danes got urges
I spoke to Maine Coon, the Danish president. She told me that the war against Sweden is a good idea, even though it seems that Norway is about to end their hostility towards Sweden. Denmark will be all alone against Sweden - and Poland who is also bordering the Danish islands.

But Denmark has urges. Maine Coon got urges. And the urge is Skaune, a Swedish core province in the south.

- The goal with this war is To free Skåne that rightfully belong to the Danes, she said.

Skaune, the center of the universe
Skaune (Skåne) is the most glorified region in Sweden. Denmark was once part of Skaune, but Skaune tossed Denmark away when it decided to take back Sweden as part of their lands.

Why Skaune is so glorified isn't really surprising. The locals in Skaune have the most beloved accent in the whole Sweden. They smell good and look good too. Always. And they have been voted best lovers of the year for the last 100 years. Every Stockholmare wants to be like a Skauning. Danes too. That's why everybody expect a long and tuff battle for that region.

Danish balls. There is no such thing.
I was also able to speak a bit with Fitwick, vice president of Denmark and Minister of Defense. Fitwick doesn't have the balls as the female president Maine Coon. When he saw that congress was about to vote yes all the way for the war against Sweden, he panicked.

- When I realized it might actually go through, I stopped it, he said.

And once again the Danish congress failed to declare war.

Important newspapers of Denmark
Maine Coon, the president - Royal Danish News
Fitwick, Vice and MoD - TheQuibbler
(thats it, their media is dead)

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