[PV#2] The Black Sheep Party

Day 2,979, 10:56 Published in USA USA by Brinnin II
Progressive Views #2

Before I start can I get 25 comments please? 🙂

So the Party President elections are over. Here with in The Black Sheep Party (TBSP) there were six candidates. And they are as liste😛 Arrden, Captain Black Sheep, Dominar Rygel XVI, eBlackPanther, jkeller4000, and PMG-24.

According to the intermediate results which are likely to be the final results, The Black Sheep Party President is Arrden. This will be his 9th term as the party’s president. Personally I don’t know Arrden, but according to my observations thus far he is a “Visionist”. He has advocated for the advancements of “newbies” and the advancement of this country; he also supports his fellow friends and party members in various situations. What, exactly, more can you ask of a person in this game? The role of TBSP President actually fits him in, my opinion. So, congratulations Arrden!!!

Now the Black Sheep Party Is like no other. YOU have a voice! Your voice isn’t dictated but liberal, yes it shall be. We are for the lowering of taxes and do not support the idea of Dictatorship!

We are full of players who would love to help the “newbies” and give them a chance, no, CHANCES at becoming politically active and capable of fighting daily without running out of weapons and health. So let’s really think about this…

Wait! Did I mention that you can obtain free gold; being a Black Sheep?!? Yes TBSP has a program named, “Gold for Black.” If you fill out the application for a whole week you can/WILL receive FREE GOLD!!!

And I know I’ve spoken about the free weapons and health! If not, listen! By joining the TBSP and its Military Unit (MU), “VMA-214” you can earn free Q7 weapons and health. In fact you can receive TWO CARE PACAKGES A DAY!!!

I mean what more can I say!?!

At this moment I would like to introduce to you my friend, Sandy Shores.
Sandy Shores
She’s new to the game and is one of Twenty-Seven people I have invited to play eRepublik. (Obviously the others totally ignored my nice invitation ) I have interviewed her and she has given me a great insight on what it feels to be a new player in the eUnited States; in this year.

Q1: So how do you feel about the game thus far?
Well, the game seems like it poses interests but there are some things I don’t quite understand even after the explanations you gave me on the several topics. For example, my strength level is low and I want it to be much higher than it is now. But I was advised to save my gold. How am I supposed to save the gold if I must spend it to become stronger?

Q2: Do you feel like this game is something you find interest in?
Well, in real life(RL) I have a lot to do! On the times I have nothing to do I need something to capture my attention, something to “relax” upon. With the confusion so far I am bound to lose interest in this game very quickly. The only reason why I’m yet here is because I’m trying to give you a chance to explain and help me out.

Q3: Other than I, have you ran across anybody/anything to help you?
I joined the United States Armed Forces and applied to Flight Training twice, it’s taking them quite some time to get back with me. I also joined the We the People Party (WTP) because I thought that it would be a great place for me to begin in this game politically but I have yet to receive any guidance since I’ve joined. So, the answer to your question is no.

Q4: Have you considered other Governmental Programs, Parties, Military Units to receive help from?
Well I’m not sure what Governmental Programs you’re talking about. But I have considered other Parties such as the Socialist Freedom Party and their military unit, the Bear Calvary.

Q5: Why are you considering the Socialist Freedom Party and the Bear Calvary?
Honestly, I don’t know I feel that I can become better, if that’s the phrase, in this game by joining those two.

That’s her, Sandy Shores. This is a nice picture of how all “newbies” feel. So, we must find ways to help them out. Currently, she is working for me and is receiving 20 Q5 weapons each day she works. Along with that I am helping her with any issues she has that I can possibly help with and am constantly advising her to programs within the eUnited States.


Will it really hurt you to do so?

But on another note I have chosen to run for Congress under the distinct banner of TBSP!
Don’t ask why, just vote TBSP for Congress!

Brinnin II

Changing It Up!!!