[PTO] Important info to all Norwegian citizens about the congress elections

Day 975, 01:29 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
I have been wondering why the current president was lagging behind with organising anti-PTO before the elections. Now we know why. It is VERY IMPORTANT that as many as possible mobilise and help keeping the congress on safe hands by following the guidelines below.

This applies to all loyal Norwegians. In the current situation with a rogue president and a clear threat of PTO in the upcoming elections, I will regard anyone not participating as people not working for eNorway's best interest:

Join the Fritt Norge party
To organise the elections as good as possible, we will use the Fritt Norge party. This is the only party under active safe control, and its only purpose is to save the congress from a political takeover. Everyone must join this party as soon as possible and remain members until after the elections on Sunday. After that, you can return to your parties if you wish.

Run for congress
It is important that we get a massive number of congress candidates. So no matter if you intended to run for congress or not, you need to participate by following the steps below. Must be done before the end of the day (eRepublik time) on Friday July 23. If you are already registered as a candidate for congress in a region, just remain there. If not:

1. Find out where your candidacy is needed - move if needed
When you have joined Fritt Norge, check who is already running for congress in your region and compare with the list below. If the minimum number of candidates are already in place, check another region and see how many, if any, are running there. If you are unsure, contact Freke (contact info below).

Minimum Fritt Norge candidates needed per region
Sorlandet, Ostlandet, Trondelag, Nord-Norge, Svalbard & Jan Mayen: min. 6 candidates
All other regions (original Swedish + Nordjylland): min. 4 candidates per region.

2. Run for congress
To run for congress, you need to move to the region you are running for. In order to do this, you need Moving Tickets (only 1 zone distance needed) which can be purchased from the market. If you can't afford the moving tickets, send a message to Freke directly (contact info below) and tickets will be provided. Once moved, go to the Fritt Norge party page and click the Run for Congress link. You will need to confirm your candidacy by clicking the Accept button.

3. Check the country status and your messages
Depending on what happens over the next couple of days, you might need to move again and run in another region.
- If you receive a message from me (and me only) to run in another region, you will be given moving tickets. Please act on this ASAP.
- If the region you run in is occupied by another country, or liberated (the original Swedish ones, for instance), you need to move to a region that is still Norwegian and run for congress there.

IMPORTANT! You can't move directly between countries who are at war. You may need to move via a neutral country. My recommendation is first move to Belgium, Brussels - then back to a region controlled by Norway. Contact Freke for moving tickets (contact info below).

Voting on election day
More info will come in this news paper regarding how and where to vote. Please remain in your running region until after the elections unless you need to move for the before mentioned reasons. Economy is messed up anyway, so 3-4 days more of chaos matters less than saving our country. As long as the region you are located in is Norwegian, you will keep your job, even if the company is in another region.

Contacting Freke
Like everyone else I have a life, but I will try to be available on IRC as much as possible up to the elections. But I will also step by and check messages more often than I am on IRC, so sending me a private message in-game is probably the best and quickest way to get response.
- Click here to log on IRC Quakenet (#eNorge) my nick is Freke. For private chat, type: /query Freke
- Click here to send Freke a private message in-game.

Keep checking this newspaper as well as for battle orders. This is the time to show what stuff eNorwegians are made of - don't be a neppons. Alt for Norge!