[Proposal] - The eSouth Korean Experiment

Day 566, 05:15 Published in Japan South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

Honorable Japanese President, Japanese congressman and Citizens of the eJapan/eSouth Korean Union,

I come before you today as representative for a group who view eRepublik as an opportunity to experiment. I don't wish to waste your time, so let me get straight to the point.

The Proposal
I would like to bring eSouth Korea back onto the eRepublik map, and propose the following:

1) Ambrose Didymus (myself) transfers 60 Gold to the eJapan treasury as a sign of good faith
2) Ambrose Didymus (myself) transfers 55 Gold to the eJapanese Treasury to start a Resistance War in Jeollabuk-do. (This region has only Medium level grain as a resource and currently only 2 citizens)
3) The eJapanese Government prompts its armed forces (and any international allies) to help win the Resistance War
4) The new eSouth Korea will be created and will sign an MPP with eJapan (using the 60 Gold that I transferred in step 1 above)
5) Ambrose Didymus (myself) transfers 30 Gold to the eJapan treasury every month for the next 6 months.

The Experiment
For those that are interested, the intention of my experiment will be to experimentally determine how successful an eRepublik free-market economy can actually be.

My intention is to run the new 1-region eSouth Korean government as an absolute free-market economy (or as close to it as eRepublik can get)

That means:

- 1% Income Tax in all industries
- 1% Export Tax in all industries
- 1% VAT in all industries
- No Government run organisations
- No Government hand-outs

In short, the new eSouth Korea will be a place which embraces the ideals of total freedom. A haven for both personal and economic liberty.

There is absolutely nothing to lose from this proposal, I hope you can see the mutual benefit that this proposal contains and consider it in the good faith in which it has been proposed.

Please send me a message or comment below if you would like to discuss this matter in more detail.