[PRE] The merger controversy

Day 579, 11:25 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

First of all I'd like to apologize to the public audience of both eMalaysia and eSingapore for all this mess. This is definitely not what I wanted to see when coming back from my short, two days holiday.

The issue of a peaceful merger with Singapore has been on the table since like forever and it probably will be as long as our countries exist (separately). There have been talks in the past about this and there will be in the future, too. But one thing is for sure, we will never ever have a merger against the general public's opinion or will. Also a merger between equal sides satisfying and benefiting both sides is not something you can work out in a day or two. Rushing things only causes harm for this cause and for our general relations with Singapore as well. So I ask everyone to sit back and relax and to discuss this issue with a cool head. A merger is not an idea by the devil that we shouldn't even consider but it's either not a must in which we should have rushed into by yesterday. There are pros and cons and there's plenty of time to discuss everything.
All in all at this point Malaysia is not planning a merger with Singapore but we think about it as a possibility and as a topic that has to be discussed.

I also have to point out that we've had good relations with Singapore so far and both sides seem to be determined to keep or even improve those in the future. Outcries against Singapore were totally uncalled for and I'd say there is zero chance for any hostile actions between our countries.

And now about the recent round of the merger hysteria. Despite Collinar's claims the talks between the two governments weren't "very-very official", in fact they weren't official at all. He just got appointed as an ambassador to another country and he had no authority to start official talks on this matter. I even asked him on Friday that he should rather not contact the Singaporean government regarding this delicate issue but if he does then he should make it clear that he is acting privately and should restrict himself to requesting financial and economic data for his analysis. Also he knew that I wouldn't be around till Sunday. So he acted in my absence and completely against what he was asked to do causing quite some mess. Luckily we could talk things through with John Jay (the president of Singapore) and it seems no real harm was done. So no hard feelings towards Collinar but after his actions I have no other choice but to fire him from his ambassador position.

Tomorrow I'll also have to make a few changes in the government because of inactivity and a request and we'll try to fully start our ambassador network. We still have plenty of vacant positions here so please feel free to apply!
