[PRE] Running for reelection

Day 561, 22:10 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

On June 5, I will be running for reelection as President of Malaysia. If I win, it will be my last term before I retire from the Presidency.

I have thought about not participating in this election, as there are some very capable people out there who's ideas would benefit Malaysia a lot. However, after thinking it through, I decided that I should stay for one more term to see through some of the projects that have been implemented and some new projects that I wish to see through.

As the first Malaysian President to serve out his full term, (3 impeachments, 1 banning - wow) Malaysia has improved dramatically ever since its theft. From having no money or Gold at all to a decent amount of companies and a decent amount of Gold and Money to gain some control over the economy, our economy has improved, the MYR has seen a large amount of stability, only deviating 0.001G/MYR in the last stages of my Presidency. Our MYR currency has gone from a worthless piece of currency to one with more reliability and stable holding value. Our MYR has seen an unprecedented amount of activity that I would like to further improve on. I also want to take this opportunity to thank the many people that have donated to the Central Bank, for it is with these donations we have managed to salvage our country.

We also have a Q5 hospital, thanks to donations from many sources, such as munafix and the Hungarian people in Malaysia. Also many thanks to Roby_Petric, the former Croatian President that helped us out with the hospital. War games were then swiftly organised, and I actively negotiated with US President scrabman and the US Congress. So don't forget to take advantage of this and participate!

On a foreign policy front, my administration and I have dealt with many international threats, safeguarding our small and relatively weak nation. I am confident that we have the ability to push back another Thai invasion, although it would be unlikely after their first. I am also proud that our military is taking some shape, and soon, we will have enough weapons stockpile to think about training some of them.

One of the programs that hasn't really taken off is the mentor program, and I plan to kick start that plan over my next term if I get reelected. In addition, the "Malaysia my second home" project will be put in place, in a bid to obtain more labor, as it is one of the restricting factors in our economy. In addition, some projects such as to build our reserves, to create training companies, and ways to increase our MYR activity will be debated and discussed.

Transparency has been a major issue throughout my administration, so I will appoint a Minister of Information to get the information out there.

Now onto my main cabinet appointees. Note that this is a very rough list and I will remodel it if I get reelected.

Nagyzee will remain as Vice President and Minister of Social and Internal Affairs

Recently we have had some very intelligent discussion on the direction of the Malaysian economy, and I look forward to appointing Hireshmont Vellos into the position of co-Minister of Finance.

Prizma Jeno will remain as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Gustavius will remain as Minister of Defense

Outstanding Malaysians such as panzer1990panzer, archmage, Ramos Sanchez, The Man, Mika Von Marcali, AJ Johnson and munafix will be appointed in the cabinet. I just need to iron out a few details first. Oh, and I also have to win first 🙂 😛.

Before I end, I would like to thank my vice president, Nagyzee, my cabinet, Gustavius, Prizma Jeno, Ramos Sanchez and panzer1990panzer for their help during the first administration.

Oh and vote bitchez! 😃 😛