[PRE] Congress elections tomorrow

Day 582, 13:24 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Tomorrow is the big day when we elect our new congress. I urge every eMalaysian citizen to take part and let her/his opinion heard by casting a vote. I also wish good luck to all parties and candidates. It seems we are safe from a takeover this time as well and will have clean elections. There are 1-2 not known fresh faces on the ballot who might be here only for the medal and the 5 golds but that's all.

I'd like to kindly ask the candidates that if possible please pledge your congress winnings or a part of it to the Malaysian government. It has become a tradition by now and congress golds are one of the biggest income sources of our not exactly rich state.🙂 Pledged congress golds can be sent to The Central Bank of Malaysia after the elections. Thanks in advance to everyone who pledges.

And some random news:

1. The q1 housing company will be sold tomorrow to WT Org. Nobody else approached the government with an offer and the sale has the support of government members.
2. We are printing a bit of MYR again. The treasury received a 20 gold donation and we use half of that for issuing 2000 MYR.

Best regards,

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