[PR Supporter] My Explanation On Recent Publish News Around eMalaysia

Day 820, 00:14 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

Dear eMalaysian,

Good day eMalaysian, after the PP election, there are many news are talking about the fall of Pakatan Rakyat and it make cct_84 become the man that cannot accept the failure to retain the President seat? i am ok and feel glad if someone take over the party and he can help Pakatan Rakyat to gain the support in eMalaysia with a great vision and mission.

But if someone misuse the power of vote to varnish another party that is different story... please check the number of votes compare to party members (89 votes VS 70 members?) weird right?


Just for your information (reply to some news):

1) Pakatan Rakyat History:

There are many non-PR members joining PR because to prevent Malaysia Tiger (a PTOer party) to take over eMalaysia (according to them).

And somebody mention about Awang? yes, currently Awang is one if the members of Parti Untuk Semua, but for your information, Awang have leave Pakatan Rakyat after the congress election, and he got issued an article about that (Federal United Party is in my blood ,that where my politcal career begin I do not want to betray my friend.) please read
http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/not-completed-yet--1172521/1/20, and now he is joining back Parti Untuk Semua (ex Pakatan Rakyat), why?
however Awang keep pm me after the PP election and i really appreciate it, but nasi sudah menjadi bubur... you know?

During the congress election, there are many PTOer try to contest using Pakatan Rakyat ticket and this is the reason our country leader personally pm me and ask me to replace those PTO with non-PR candidate and i agree with that due to nation security, and the country leader promise to me that they will not going to contest in the election, however for your information, one of the congressman win the election with Pakatan Rakyat ticket and going back to FUP? (please check here and here) so? what can i do? and some if the FUP member accusing me that me did not support their friends who contest using Pakatan Rakyat ticket and i feel sorry about that and issue a news later to support them, but this is what i get?


2) Zoombies related to me?

Some say i using zoombies to vote for myself? As a congressman of the country, i really want to help newwen to achieve his goal to increase our population and i publish article in some forum find some fresh blood for eMalaysia? for sure, i will publish my link so i can get 5 Gold from that. However, most of them never play after resgister cuz they say eRepublik is boring, but you say i try to use them to vote for me? please check my friend list, most of them only level 1 and some of my friends already get banned before the president election, i dont know why. Please check before you accusing people.

And do you think that i am that stupid to register them myself and forget to erase their friend list so you can trace they are related to me?


3) My stand

i am ok and feel glad if someone take over the party and he can help Pakatan Rakyat to gain the support in eMalaysia with a great vision and mission.

But if someone misuse the power of vote to varnish another party that is different story... please check the number of votes compare to party members (89 votes VS 70 members?) weird right?


Finally Happy Chinese New Year to all of you and may tiger year will bring prosperity to eMalaysian

former Pakatan Rakyat President

Please visit Pakatan Rakyat forum for latest info