[PP]Feud Is Over

Day 865, 15:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Policy

The Feud between [PP]Pro Pakistani party and certain members of [VA]Ventuo Aureo party is over. It was solved earlier today on IRC by AgentChieftan and Ahsan Shahbaz.

All [PP] members are asked to not post negative post or articles against [VA] members;the fued is over get with the programme.

It's simple, but Pakistan before yourself. Whatever petty squables we have, should they stop the betterment of our nation. Let me provide a maths sum for our more intellequal readers:

[PP] + [VA]=Unity
Unity + ePakistan=better ePakistan

P.S Baluch Corps members, please watch out for an article on the Corps tomorrow! Also our logo is in my avatar, feel free to use it as your avatar.