[PO] Statement

Day 1,198, 19:44 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Global Bank Malaysia

This week is really a big cost week for me...

After the largest and third largest shareholder, Prle and Atracurium, decided to withdraw their investment in EMAS, I had find a large capital to acquire those shares. After this action being taken, I had become the only largest shareholder of EMAS which hold 61.945%. A big thanks to Video Jack which help me to cover those capital.
Dividend of EMAS will be donated soon as I am really busy in this week. About the procedure change, it had been passed and will be implemented in mid-March.

I had decrease my shareholding in Preclimax Corp which owned by Video Jack (29.5% to 16.5😵. Therefore, if you want to buy the shares, contact Video Jack.
