【PM】Updates and Mongressmonday

Day 3,828, 00:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Greetings, Mad Paulys. Since my last update, many things have happened. Thailand came, and left. Another impeachment proposal got voted down. The devil returned. 17 New players took part in two consecutive NPFs, and 13 others managed to take part in one of the most recent ones. Our Discord is brimming with newer players eager for enlightenment and handouts, and Chris tarrant started playing eRepublik.

As well as that, I admitted defeat, made concessions, and got blanked. WOE BE ME. However, whilst my ego is huge (and to some, unreasonable given how awful I am), the reason I'm writing an update today isn't to seek too much attention or smympathy. I made my peace with all of that last month. The reason I'm writing today is because its mongress monday yo'.

Last month I made a commitment, and I do my best to try and follow through. I promised to try to give mongress a purpose, and get them involved. Today, we begin our first attempt at getting mongress to do something useful. I have uploaded links to all new UK players (upto last Friday) and sent out those links to all congress members, as well as some guidance on what they could do to help new players. I've also included a link to the list below, so even if you aren't in congress: add these people, send them a nice little message, or drop them some merkelgoldz. They'll be grateful, although possibly silent. But I have always maintained that on eRep, as the odds are stacked against the newer generations, they should always be the main focus. Older players should not be forgotten, but the simple principle of "you're already here, so i'll be nice but not to nice" applies in all aspects of today's life: erep should be no different. Just as new customers get better deals to coax them into signing their life away; new players should get better rewards, to coax them into erepping their life away.

For a list of a ton of new players (be aware, this may include some who have since died) please click here. As I sai😛 add them as friends, be nice to them. Maybe they'll stay, and steal my permaCP seat in the future. Maybe they'll be the next UKs Finest. Who knows, but unless they stick around, we'll never know!

Finally, once again please remember that the RAF is open, paying you to fight in every air round we're deployed in, and will be announcing further rewards and upgades to the program on Wedsnesday to coincide with Weducationsday. For info on the current setup, check out this article
