【PM】New Players Friday

Day 3,811, 00:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Greetings, Mad Paulys. As today is Friday, once again I'm happy to announce a mini-event for our new players, and returning oldbots. Please make sure that you read your messages for instructions! Today, there are two different tasks to complete; so ensure you're doing your best to complete them all, and grab yourself some delicious GBP.

To all other UK players, don't forget to claim your rewards. The rewards are explained in full detail here, but basically all you need to know is every time you rank up (either due to fighting in Ground or Air battles), you can claim upto 1000 GBP for air, and upto 3000 GBP for ground ranks! As well as that, our weekly strike continues to go on, and DaveTrenga's supply scheme remains open to new applicants.

For full information on what the supply scheme can give you, check this article out.

Outside of NPF, there's some interesting things going on the world, most of which I covered in our most recent MoFA article, which can be found here.

To expand slightly on that, the war theatre in the baltics continues to evolve. To ensure Argentina and Chile are removed, Russia fell on their sword and attacked Romania, destroying pretty much all of their MPPs. The reasoning for this is it's much more likely Romania will be able to fend off the South American invaders. Romania is currently moving through Russian regions, and will soon have the all important border to launch an invasion. As well as that, Bulgaria have started an offensive against Chile, which is our main military priority today.

There is heavy fighting on both sides, so ensure you're getting involved and reminding everyone that the UK is not yet completely dead. As well as that, The war has been going epic in the lower divisions, and will undoubtedly continue to do so throughout the day. Our TW is not important: we can win it with BH damage alone; so focus on helping Bulgaria, unless you're fighting for BH gold in the TW.
Please keep your eye on the national feed, the media, and your party feeds - and get involved with encouraging new players to come out of their shells! Until next time, mad paulys