【PM】New Players Friday

Day 3,803, 22:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Greetings, Mad Paulys. As today is Friday, once again I'm happy to announce a mini-event for our new players, and returning oldbots. Please make sure that you read your messages for instructions! Today, there are three different tasks to complete; so ensure you're doing your best to complete them all, and grab yourself some delicious GBP.

To all other UK players, every day is special for you, thanks to our recently announced rewards. The rewards are explained in full detail here, but basically all you need to know is every time you rank up (either due to fighting in Ground or Air battles), you can claim upto 1000 GBP for air, and upto 3000 GBP for ground ranks! As well as that, our weekly strike continues to go on, and DaveTrenga's supply scheme remains open to new applicants.

For full information on what the supply scheme can give you, check this article out.

Outside of events, we have some updates to go over. First and foremost, I want to apologise to a UK citizen. My meltdown article caused some distress, and I would like to publicly apologise to Mad Pauly for oppressing him by using mean words. I will do my best to avoid being mean in public in the future, and I hope he accepts my apology. I hope that we can all learn to be more careful with the words we use, because they can affect people. As a gesture of good will, I will no longer use peons to address UK citizens. To acknowledge the pain and hurt I caused, all my future articles will instead be addressed to Mad Paulys.

I hope this will ensure that no-one ever forgets how awful and mean I was, and Pauly will henceforth forever be remembered as the person who brought about a turning point in the eUK: the person who got us all to be nice and not say mean or dispiriting things anymore.

Aside from apologies, I'd like to thank Wayne, Keers, and everyone else who got in touch after my last meltdown article. Outside of all the support I got from so many of you, I think the biggest thank you needs to be reserved for Dave Trenga; my MoD. We've had a rocky relationship in the past, but to have someone who somehow manages to speak sense at all hours is a real blessing. So once again thanks to all.

In Foreign Affairs, we have an overview of the world's damage, which you can view here, and our MPP renewals have continued in earnest. Our relations with most countries have been pretty solid for the duration of my time spent on top this mad house, and we are beginning to see stability return. This is the most important thing in the foreign affairs world.

We can be spontaneous, we can be out there, and our TW with Croatia which unwittingly lead to rude insertions across the pond has shown that we can be both without going so far as to irk forigs. Which is essentially, what this game is all about; hurl shade at the right people, and don't just randomly decide to hurl turds without worrying where they land. The stability that we have seen over the last few months is vitally important, not just in cementing our place with our allies but also ensuring the groundwork laid by Nomad all those moons ago isn't for nought.

Please keep your eye on the national feed, the media, and your party feeds - and get involved with encouraging new players to come out of their shells! Until next time, mad paulys