【PM】jamesw is dead: long live jamesw!

Day 3,851, 00:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

Friends, foes, peons, lend me your ears! I write this article as the last of this month, and the last of my 5 month undertaking atop the UK. As the leader of the prime Conference division country of the world, I have spent countless hours reasserting our position in the international world, restarting the cogs of government. But, knowing I cannot be all things to all people, I knew there would be hard times.

Yesteryear should have taught us all by now; the progress of many months can be easily undone should we overlook the simple fact that the game is not dead, and does still allow for an evolution of gameplay. It is underestimating the changes that have, are, and will take place that left us out of the loop.

After taking over following UKs Finest's decision to abdicate the throne he never wanted, I knew this would lead to this article, this decision, and this surrender. It is only over the course of the last few days that I really found out what it is that kept me logging in. It wasn't for fun... It wasn't because I enjoy being eternal-UK-CP, and it certainly wasn't because I enjoy measuring epeens on the battlefield or sihtposting abilities on the feeds.

I said I would be around for months to steady the ship, and I was. When things settle down, I would absolutely love to release the full logs of my terms, so that everyone could see the decisions I made, and why I made them. I am not everyone's cup of tea, and I appreciate that. So I won't say anything else other than goodbye for now, peons.
