[PM] A little bit of what you fancy

Day 847, 09:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Anyone else suffering from invasion withdrawal symptoms?
Aye me too.
However, we need to move on eUK. It was over a month ago, we need to let it go.

Apt no?

The Now

It's been pretty quiet of late, yes we're actively involved in helping Phoenix with it's military goals, but here in the eUK things are peaceful. In the words of Bjork It's oh so quiet. Now I'd be quite happy to start pressing buttons and go for a jaunt with the collective armies of the UK but the harsh fact is we're still recovering.

Like a sick little puppy on life support, we're not quite there yet.

That said the great people of this nation can still get involved with fights and such like by joining our brave chaps and chappettes in our brilliant armed forces.

See here for more info.

Jobs and Jobs

The keen eyed among you may have noticed that over the last few days skill 0 to skill 2 jobs in most sectors are a bit thin on the ground. Having had a few chattettes with our lovely MoW, we've decided to step in and keep the job market alive and keep people in employment. Yes the pay isn't the best but at least the uniforms are nice.

No transport required

By the end of the week there is a little something extra that our Chancellor and MoE have been working that you'll all get a looksy at

Monarchy Week

Get your backsides over to the MoHA paper by clicking here. It's time to find a new Monarch. The MoHA will be working hard on creating some exciting new games to keep you chaps enthralled. SO GET INVOLVED.

Prime Minister’s Challenge

Ah! Made you look - tomorrow on the official eUK forums located here I shall release some information about a competition. There shall be a prize involved and your name will be immortalised in eUK history FOREVER


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The Ministry of Defence