[Peasant`s Truth ]Running for congress

Day 1,338, 14:20 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Jan Karal Chadkievicz

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! 🙂 Today I want to write about next congressional election, in which I will participate.

I will run for congress from party HLAS - THE VOICE in region Moravia.

As you can understand from my first article in czechoslovakia, in Belarus I had important posts in goverment(congress member for 1 month, Minister of Foreign Affairs for 2 months, Country President for 2 months), so I have enough experience in congressional and government work.

Now I`m already working in czechoslovak MoFA as ambassador to Belarus. Also, I was one of those who initiated creation of Pact of Three between CzechoSlovakia, Ukraine and Belarus. I hope, that friendship between our fratertnal nations will become even more stronger.

A little about me in RL: My name is Jan, 20 years old, from Minsk(capital of Belarus). I like history and linguistics(at this moment I`m learning Polish language).

Of course, if I will be elected, I will transfer gold from Congressman Medal to Country Treasury 🙂

Thanks for reading.