[Peasant`s Truth] First Article in CzechoSlovakia

Day 1,326, 11:23 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Jan Karal Chadkievicz

Greetings to all citizens of CzechoSlovakia! 🙂 This is my first article there.

A little about me:

Last half years I lived in my motherland, Belarus. In Belarus I reached high positions - I was Minister of Foreign Affairs for 2.5 months and Country President for 2 months. After finishing my CP cadence, I wanted to leave Belarus for several months, to change environment and to meet new people. I have several reasons to chose CzechoSlovakia:

1) 2 years ago, I was in Czech Republic IRL. I very liked your country, you have very beaгtiful cities and best beer in the world 🙂
2) I was ambassador of Belarus in CzechoSlovakia, this was my firs job in Ministry of Foregn Affairs. By the way, maybe someone still remembers my articles there(like this and this).
3) Our nations have a lot in common - like culture and language. I can understand Slovak or Сzech language, and you can inderstand Belarusian language if I will use belarusian latin alphabet 🙂

I hope that Czechoslovakia will benefit from my stay there. I know Belarusian and Russian languages​​, understand Ukrainian, so in the near future I will write reviews of belarusian, ukrainian and russian press. I hope that you will enjoy.

A little about my newspaper:

My newspaper uses name of Kastus Kalinowski`s newspaer "Peasant`s Truth"(belarusian "Мужыцкая Праўда", belarusian latin "Mužyckaja Praŭda").

Kastus Kalinowski

Kastus leaded January Uprising(uprising in the former lands of Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodow against the Russian Empire) in Belarus.

Symbol of January Uprising. White Eagle represents polish lands, Pogon(Pahonya) represents belarusian lands and Archangel Michael represents ukrainian lands.

During uprising, he was captured and imprisoned in Vilna. In court he was sentenced to death and then publicly executed on Lukiszski square in Vilna. Nowdays, Kastus Kalinowski considerув as national hero of Belarus and one of most famous belarusian revolutionists (alongside Tadeusz Kosciuszko).

A little about eBelarus:

At this moment, of Belarus is fully occupied by ABC(Alliance of Baltic Countries).

But last help of our czechoslovakian and polish friends gives us hope 🙂

P.S. If you want to know something about history of Belarus IRL, check this video(English subtitles) - 1500 years of history in 5 minutes.

That's all, thanks for reading.