[PEACE]Welcome to the Future of PEACE

Day 693, 12:17 Published in Hungary Germany by Peacekeepers
As shall be tradition in our Organisation, we are going to pay tribute the to First PeaceKeeper, Dio Brando, our Holy God-Emperor. Shall blessed times follow wherever he is.

Ladies and Gentleman of PEACE;

For the past few months you have seen many articles outlining the possible future of PEACE. Some have been purely speculatory, while others are more idealistic in nature.

Today, we end the speculation.

PEACE GC has always led the charge in International Well Being, from Anti-Takeovers to Fighting for the freedoms of countries such as Germany, Mexico, and Russia. We have led diplomatic talks successfully with quite a few nations (South Africa and Australia to name a few). We stood then for the oppressed, just as we do now.

Today, however, we start new traditions. We start being more open and communicative with our citizens.

Today, we start the PEACEKeepers.

With organisation that began almost a month ago, fighters from every country within PEACE stand together, as one group. Each country remains its own sovereign state, with the ability to make its own choices, however, PEACEKeepers fight as one. We stand for the oppressed, we stand to make the choice that as a group, we shall not falter.

You have asked for months for PEACE to be more vocal.

And it begins today.

To each individual nation, you are not as of yet required to give anything to the PEACEKeepers, but donations and aide are strongly encouraged. Please note that we can only help as much as allowed by yourselves. As one, the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Remember this always, as in our entire history, we stand for our allies and their freedom.

You can donate here, and amount is accepted no matter how big or small. 10 units of currency, 10 Gold, however much you can afford is appreciated.

Together, we can truly be at PEACE.


PEACE Spokesman
Peace at Home, PEACE in the World.