[Patti4PM] The Cabinet

Day 865, 23:11 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hey Australia,

Here is the final article for in my run for Prime Minster. I reveal my kickass cabinet!

Deputy Prime Minister: Dartreal

Dartreal, in short, is kick ass. He has served on three cabinets and he has proved himself to be a very active member on each cabinet. He has done a great deal of work on the Department of Baby Boom: which has seen him attract over 2500 new players to eAustralia (not counting Multies of course). He has also worked with the MoICS when seeing any suspicious new citizens being made. Knowing that it is his aim to make eAustralia a better place, I believe this will be the best opportunity for him to get some practice for the day he decides to run for Prime Minister. Plus, his comics are awesome, nuf said?

Department of Foreign Affairs
Minister: Brenflakes
Brenflakes has done a great job as the Deputy Prime Minister for Cerb's cabinet. He pretty much held the place together while Cerb went AWOL. He was with sir_c0nstant in discussions with eIndonesia during their "recent attack" on eAustralia. With his experience I believe that Brenflakes will make a great Foreign Affairs Minister.

Deputy Minister: widdows9000
I'm not going to lie, when Brenflakes and widdows9000 found out that they'll be working together they almost cried in joy. With that in mind I think widdows9000 is going to make a kick-ass partner for Brenflakes. With two guys running the show who get along well and are looking forward to working together, I believe the Department of Foreign Affairs is going to be in very good hands.

Foreign Affairs Advisor😒ir Constant
Our current PM, SirC knows all the current ins and out of world events, and his knowledge will be invaluable in discussions we hold.

Department of Defence
Minister of Defence: Schoft
An old-time veteran who has a ton of experience under his belt including being a Dropbear Marshal, I feel that it's time Schoft ran the Department that he has been so heavily involved in. He provided me with a great resume when he applied for the position that includes some very good, and tough, changes he wants to make to the current military. They have been listed in my previous post on Domestic Policies so check out what Schoft has planned. It should make things more organised and more improved.

You can find the Marshals Schoft has assigned to the Dropbears, ACUK and AAR towards the end of the list.

Deputy Minister: Spazicus
Deputy Minister: Calbe

Both Spazicus and Calbe were in the running for Minister of Defence and when they applied, they suggested some very good improvements that they wanted to make. After deciding to pick Schoft based on having more experience, I was stuck on who to pick for his deputy. I figured "Why not give him both Spazicus and Calbe?" With both guys being involved in the military before, and both showing high interest in the job, it would be a great learning curb for the two of them as future Ministers of Defence - a position I see them holding one day. Armed with good ideas and a drive to learn, Spazicus and Calbe will make for very helpful deputies.

Department of Minister of Immigration, Customs & Security
Minister: Lews - TherinTelamon/Aussie Bloke
I decided to carry over Lews from the last cabinet as the MoICS. His work with preventing the More Beer Party from being PTO'ed and working together with other eAustralians to see many multies and Channers banned has been great. He keeps the list of citizens to accept for the senate updated constantly and because of this, we have seen many big and helpful names become apart of eAustralia. There is no reason to remove Lews from this position since he has been doing a wonderful job of it and he will continue doing a wonderful job in my cabinet.

Deputy Minister of ICS: Darth Spader
If you're keeping the same MoICS, you might as well keep the same Deputy right? Darth has been supporting Lews as his Deputy very well and the two have been working very good together. There's no need to split these two apart or to give Lews a new deputy to show the ropes to. It could be a waste of time teaching someone new a role they haven't done before. I say this in relation to the Channer threat that still lingers here in eAustralia so having Darth Spader aboard once more as deputy will make the job of Lews more effective.

Department of Public Relations
Minister: Listhp Tomptos
Listhp Tomptos has been doing a great job as the Minister of Public Relations and again, I see no need to remove her from this position (that's right - she's a girl!). Listhp has given the Department a much needed boost and with Dartreal wanting to incorporate some new plans to the Department - the same ones he is planning to bring into the department should Xavier Griffith be elected - the Department of Public Relations will become a force. Listhp has helped the department get back on the right track so now it's time for her to bring it to an entirely new level.

Deputy Minister: Jc_ump_232
Listhp is going to be receiving a new deputy this time in the form of Jc_ump_232. He is a young member of eAustralia and is looking to contribute to it anyway he can. With a hunger to learn and to help, I feel that he will make a good and useful deputy to Listhp, especially with some changes that will be made.

Department of Industry
I know what you're thinking "He was the Minister of Finance in February and wasn't active". What I bet you don't know is that Vorodor had to suddenly stop playing the game for a while due to his house being flooded. Besides this event that he could not control, Vorodor has done a very good job in the past as the Minister of Finance. I feel that he will take good care of the Department of Industry.

Deputy Minister: Binda33
The long running ACUK Marshal isn't a stranger to the organisations. She has knowledge of how to run many companies and makes sure that they are full of stock at all times. She'll make a very useful deputy to Vorodor and will probably break his balls by constantly making sure the companies are full of stock at all times.

Department of Finance
Minister: John Sykes
John Sykes could be the most qualified man for the job who has never been Minister of Finance before. The author of the "Euca Handbook" - the bible for all company owners - John has never been the Minister of Finance before despite having a deep knowledge for it. It's not like he wasn't offered the position before as he has been offered the position of Minister of Finance only, none of the candidates for PM who picked him won. The curse will be broken! John Sykes will go on to becoming the best Minister of Finance this country has ever seen and will do wonders with our improving economy - despite his tactics and ideas being considered a little "outgoing" by some.

Deputy Minister: Astintus
Deputy Minister: Hinokai

Astintus served as Adam Creedy's Deputy Minister of Industry last term. Hinokai is the current serving Marshal of the AAR. Both are very active and both have expressed being interested in finance. With John Sykes as their teacher, these two enthusiastic citizens should learn a great deal and will go on to becoming just as good Ministers of Finance in the future.

Department of Promotions & Education
Minister of Baby Booming: Agentgreeny
He helped the Department of Baby Booming since it was founded in Feburary and for that he was made Dartreal's Deputy Minister of Baby Booming in March. Dartreal has vouched that Agentgreeny assisted him a lot as his deputy and was always active and around when he needed him. He is a young member of eAustralia who is looking to make a difference and is more than ready to serve. If Dartreal feels that Agentgreeny is ready to step up and work wonders with the Department of Baby Booming, then so will I. Agentgreeny is full of confidence and that is the type of person I want in my cabinet.

Minister of Education: Timeoin
Timeoin has assisted Blue Rayne in her role of Education Minister by writing up a very good guide that has been past on to new members of eAustralia. With that in mind, and the fact that he is a walking Wiki-eGod, I feel that Timeoin can contribute a lot to this department. He'll be working on more educational articles by going to experts in those fields - for example, going to successful business owners for advice to new people on how to start and run a business. Timeoin will be passing this information off to the Department of Baby Booming, who will pass on Timeoin's hard work to the new generation of eAustralians.

Minister of Promotion: Mr Rosewater
When we offered Mr Rosewater this position, he seemed very interested in the position. Mr Rosewater successfully runs the Mentoring Program and is a good example of how eAustralians can do something other than two-click. He will work on getting together a list of eSports on offer by people and will encourage everyone to start something fun so other people can be involved. On top of this, he will also be promoting eAustralia to the rest of eRepublik and hopefully attract some more citizens in-game to our nation.

Military Positions

The following were picked by the Department for Defence on consultation with myself. The military just got 10 times cooler.

Dropbear Marshal: Binda33
Shock and horror - Binda33 isn't going to be the ACUK Marshal! After spending over 8 long months as the ACUK Marshal, my Minister of Defence Schoft feels that it is time for Binda33 to move on from the ACUK and to take charge of the Dropbears. She has done an extraordinary job running the ACUK ensuring everyone has the right amount of weapons and tickets when being deployed. Schoft has confidence in binda33 to work wonders with the Dropbears as she has done with the ACUK. Dropbears, be scared.

ACUK Marshal: Scottty
Schoft needed someone to replace binda33 as the ACUK Marshal so why not give it to scottty? He has been an ACUK Marshal in the past and has expressed a heavy interest in being involved in the military once again. With that in mind, and the fact he did a bang-up job as the ACUK Marshal in the past, Schoft believes that Scottty will continue doing the good work that binda33 has done with the ACUK - and then some.

AAR Marshal: Hinokai
Hinokai has done well as the AAR Marshal so far so Schoft feels that he has the chance to prove himself to be effective once again. He'll be armed with two deputies this time around to ensure that things in the AAR go well. We need to give these guys a good experience of the military so that they go onto becoming fine additions to the ACUK and ultimately, become a killer in the Dropbears. Schoft believes Hinokai will prepare eAustralia's next Dropbears by seeing the AAR run well.

Deputy Dropbear Marshal: Jameson L. Tai
Deputy ACUK Marshal: Gabriel White
Deputy AAR Marshal: Bowen Eley
Deputy AAR Marshal: Infin

Military Analyst and Strategist: Aeros

A new addition to Australia, Aeros has quickly become involved in politics becoming one of the countries most active Senators. However, it is Aeros' military brain that is the most breathtaking. The man's paper is read worldwide, and the theoretically tactics and strategies he comes up with bamboozle all. His knowledge of eRepublik war mechanics are second to none. Time to win some wars!

I would also like to add, I will be bringing back interns if elected. The program provides interns with valuable knowledge and experience in a department without being officially part of cabinet. Thus, it provides a gateway for those into cabinet and eludes fears of inexperience. A form will be released for those to apply for internships if elected.

Any comments, questions, queries and theories contact me.

Yours faithfully,
