[Patti4PM] Foreign Affairs Manifesto

Day 865, 18:40 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hey Australia,

Sorry for the late publishing of this article, was out all day yesterday, and that is also the reason I have set no goals. Now onto the article 😃


The most recent EDEN logo, ts cool, I have l33t photoshopping skills though so its all good

There have many calls for Australia to leave the EDEN Brotherhood, primarily, as there has been an illusion that they wern't providing help for our assault on Phoenix controlled South Africa. The truth is, Cerb, as much as I love him, was a notoriously bad communicator with both the Australian public and EDEN. The attacks on these regions were never coordinated with EDEN, and the true reason for failure is thus obvious. I still see the benefits in staying with EDEN, with 3 enemies on 3 fronts in direct contact with our regions it would be suicide to think otherwise, and while our allies in EDEN would still protect us regardless, we must take no risks. EDEN, when in perfect coordination, can achieve great things, and this is particularly evident when they helped us with the return of Western Australia, and many of us witnessed them tank the 700k wall in little under 10 minutes. Lets stick it out with EDEN for another month, and then reevaluate our position then.


Only Brolliance related pic I could find and no Ireland and Japan, again, whip me

For those who don't know the Brolliance is a portmanteau of bro and alliance. The Brolliance consists of USA, Canada, Australia and two new recent additions, Ireland and Japan. If elected, Australia will take the approach Canada is taking, being an active member of both the Brolliance and EDEN. Both these brotherhoods are not mutually exclusive and even USA upon leaving EDEN will still be coordinating battle strategies with them. Australia does not need to choose between Brolliance and EDEN, both brotherhoods are good enough for us.


With Cerb's surprise attack on Indonesia, it has left Australia in a very vulnerable position. We will need to keep multiple MPPS each month to ward Indonesia off, and this is a costly policy and one that is not sustainable. I advocate peace with Indonesia, as a mutual respect for each other is needed.

Brazil and Argentina

Little Indonesia, Little little Indonesia, Bananas in Pyjamas, what ever you want to call them, I will rid them from the vicinity of Australia by the end of my term. For them to even border Australia is an insult, and quite frankly they are stinking up the place. It's time to send em back to South America, and regain our South African brothers territories.

As usual, any questions, messages of <3 , criticisms or suggestions, please post below or contact me.

Yours faithfully,
