[Pakistan] From America with love

Day 919, 22:39 Published in Pakistan Hungary by Dante Alagherii

Today I have to talk about 2 points


1. The difficult political situation in Pakistan

2. The difficult political situation in India


1. The difficult political situation in Pakistan

Pakistan is a great nation that has seen days of glory. At times RL extreme nationalists have proven to be a challenge to this great democracy. Many RL nationalists have even left Pakistan at times.This kind of thing is ill-advised. Pakistan should remain a unified country no matter where you are from IRL. The cultural unity of Pakistan must remain strong.

Now, with the recent Ukranian PTO threat, I see that RL Pakistanis have come back and decided to work with the elected government of Pakistan. This is a good sign, and I wish Pakistan all the best from America. We are both Dioist nations and as such we should support one another in times of moral crisis and general decadence.



2. The difficult political situation in India

India has recently elected a RL nationalist President who has suggested that USA should leave India. He has even called for an India for Indians policy. There is no place for RL extreme nationalists in this game.

Today, America asks Pakistan to stand together with their Dioist brothers in our hour of need. Indians need to realize that this is a game, and not RL. We ask for spiritual assistance from our brothers. May the undying love of Dio penetrate the soul of the Indian.


Dante Alagherii, American Dioist


