[PAA] eUK Political Statistics #14

Day 810, 10:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
#30 7/2/10

This week has been a very interesting week.

The BEP has returned, with most of its original members returning, bringing it back up to the top 5. However, not all members returned, so it fails to return to its previous #4 place. Not only this, but the only BEP congressman, Daniel Thorrold, decided to stay at the UKRP. This means that the BEP currently has no congressman. This is the first time I have seen a top 5 party without a single congressman.

The eUK is under invasion. Several regions including the South West, Wales and Scotland are now under EDEN control. Citizens stuck in those regions have lost their membership to eUK parties so the membership to all top eUK parties has plummeted (with the exception of the BEP).

The CP elections were on Friday. It was meant to be a two horse race between Dishmcds (backed by the UKRP, RFA and FDP) and Draaglom (PCP and TUP). However, Draaglom pulled out, citing that he was ‘not entirely ready’ and he ‘had made assumptions about the finishing times of [his] current RL engagements which turned out to be incorrect.’ Unfortunately, he pulled out after the closing date for entrants, so the TUP switched their backing to Dishmcds, who won with ease.
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Congress & Orientation Stats

Membership has fallen due to the invasion.

The right wing has the weakest congress representation, only 1 congressman per 64 members.

The TUP, as shown by this next chart, have by far the largest proportion of congress.

The left wing have almost an absolute majority of congress, just one congressman short of half the total seats.

That is all for this week. Bye