[PAA] eUK Political Statistics #12

Day 796, 06:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
This week, The Unity Party continues to rise dramatically after the return of Iain Keers as PP. They have now reached over 800 members, something I have never seen before in this country. Tomorrow are also the Congress elections. The Unity Party hopes to gain a lot of seats, since the UKRP currently holds by far the most seats. See the main article on TUP congress candidates here and the manifesto here. I am also running for congress under the banner of the People's Communist Party in the South West of England, see my manifesto here.
Anyway, to business.



Most top parties' memberships have increased this week, with the exception of the FDP.


Here are the records of memberships over time for each top 15 party. If there aren't any records it's because the party is either new or wasn't in the top 15 at the time.


And here in graph form.


Following a suggestion last week, here shows the top 6 parties share of the total top 6 membership every month from October to January.






The Unity Party stays the richest party and the UKRP continues to catch back up to it's regular level.



The UKRP is by far the most influential party in congress at the moment, but that may well change tomorrow. This is partly due to FDP candidates candidating under the UKRP banner.


Statistics By Orientation

Despite the left wing having the largest total membership of the top 15 parties, they have once again the lowest proportion of congressman, with only 1 congressman for every 95 members.



Mostly due to the UKRP's large grip on congress, the right wing hold the most seats, but they do not have an absolute majority.


That is all for today. Be sure to Vote and Subscribe and to Vote for me tomorrow if you're in the South West 😉