[ORION] Weekly Damage Report

Day 3,368, 01:17 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


today, we bring you another episode of ORION Weekly damage report. War is slowing down for Orion, and this week, troops have been saving their energy after a long fight. However, we still need to measure our stength and combat preparedness, so let's d oit!

The first pie chart shows the total damage done by all ORION countries for Tanks and for Aircraft. France comfortably won in both categories, with Lithuania being second and United Kingdom third.


The second graph compares average damage per citizen for each country in Tank and Aircraft categories, in comparison with ORION total average. Lithuania, as usual, winning both categories with a huge lead. France is second in both categories (surprising especially in Tank category), being only a little bit behind ORION average. Cuba made its return in the air, and it is now holding third place, also in both categories.


The next picture shows TOP10 ORION players in each division and TOP20 Orion pilots. Lithuania conquered D1, getting all top fiv spots there. France and United Kingdom are also doing great in all divisions. Netherlands was able to get into D1 and D2 this week (not their usualy categories). In the Aircraft, the battle between France and Lithuania is still going on, with Lithuania still holding top spots (together with Trico 😃 ). Cuban pilots are still nowhere to be seen, despite being third in average damage.



That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know.

Janty F