[ORION] Anniversary Day 2 - Interview with the SG

Day 3,445, 16:26 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ

o7 Orion and Allies

You know what they say, better late than never! Tomorrow's edition should hopefully come out sooner in the day ;P

Here is Azaraliiii and an interview with our current Secretary General the Wonderful Aaron Mark Daniels!

Az: Thanks Aaron for being here and accepting to be interviewed,.
Firstly, could you present yourself a bit ?

AM😨 No worries it's good to be here.
Hello everyone I'm Aaron Mark Daniels, I'm a 4 time UK CP, long time minister for foreign affairs and the current Secretary General of Orion. For those who don't know I'm also the CP who led the UK into Orion. Best thing I've done as CP tbf

Az: Why did you decide to join Orion and what did you expect from it ?

AM😨 I decided to join Orion because after a long period of so called "neutrality" we decided that it wasn't working and we just got invaded by everyone. After helping France with their wipe I thought it would be the best decision to pursue you guys as brothers, and quite frankly it's been successful so far

Az: From your point of view, how did Orion evolve through the ages ?

AM😨 My point of view is interesting on this topic . Orion has evolved from this annoying organisation that constantly used to be a pain in the ass for the UK by always double or triple teaming us. And now I'm the SG. Some would say it's gone down hill in that case but I think it's evolved into something friendly ;P

Az: You're answering a bit to my next question, what didn't you expect from Orion (which did happen) ?

AM😨 I didn't expect how close you all are and how willing you are to throw yourselves in to help a fellow alliance member out

Az: Last but not least, what are your hopes for the future ?

AM😨 Prosperity mostly. I'd like to think we can get closer together and prosper for the future. Let's bloody make the most of it
sips tea

That's all for today! But tune in tomorrow for some more action 😉
Aaron Mark Daniels
Orion Secretary General