Day 487, 19:54 Published in Romania Indonesia by Elros Elrond

I have been absent for two days in a row. Day 485 and Day 486 eluded me like a will-o'-wisp.
Day 487 had seen me coming back, but just to witness the gravity of our defeat on West Siberia.

The fight had been fought, adrenalines had peaked and rushed down, cooled into dying embers...
The dust had settled on the bloody (and goldy) ground, where we would never see the same digits and golds again ever...
Left only with cold datas, vivid but bitter recollections, blurry and distorted views of every soldier on the field...
I was dismayed by my own bad luck... of just not being there.

And I was to write the article to the greatest Epic Battle in history of Erepublik, done by the greatest two mammoths, mahouts, and moguls, each representing and supported by its benevolent alliances, auxilliaried with all sorts of logistics, tactics, scams, spams, plans, and even the ever-ready and loyal Google Translators.

The battle I haven't witnessed my own...

This is called a heresy of journalism itself. But I can only try... Because I won't be able to sleep soundly if I don't write about it.


The Reason, and the sole reason, why a country could win a battle is because it is stronger than its opponents at that moment and place.

The reason for its strength could be broken down into all kinds of variables, but I will cite only something you probably hadn't mentioned before:
With this war, it had been proven that the country who initiated an attack is far superior.
It had three opportunities as cited by my Bible of Warfare: The Right Timing, The Right Place, The Right Persons.
* By Right Timing we had proven that so far, Indonesia had conquered WSR, and NR by coming at 14.00 our local time. While on the last battle, it was Romanians who initiated the attack at their best gathering hour.
* By Right Place defined by strategy and also fog of war. Those who played DOTA and Starcraft was familiar with this fog of war. The Initiating country could exert all kinds of strategy without a doubt, while the defending ones, smug and content with their walls, are vulnerable to gray areas of strategy, to the infinite question like below:
"Should I burn all the golds on day 1 as well? Or should I just go all out on day 2?"
"How much is their strength? Noo.... they can't be THAT BAD...."
"When will the weapons distributed? There's still much time... or was it?"
The privilege of having such doubts, unfortunately, always weigh on the defenders' side.
* By Right Persons, it meant that initiatives always came from the VIPs, and VIPs do gather on the one with initiative rather than defending ones. They become compact, one single being, even breathing harmonically, and became a tsunami of will... and they oft ended as glory.
The Defenders, having their own problems such as administrations, oft didn't have the lifting phrases to inspire such "mindless" wave. Beings smug in their victory and contentment, they would never match the power of those who are whipped and spurred by losses and spirits.
So I quote: "Truly, was lost a Victory? Or was Victory a Smug Poison? Or Poison is a Girdle of Destruction?"

Now, I will cite those facts you already know:
ATLANTIS WON (and lose?) because:
1. USA somehow paid back the ATLANTIS FINE in the form of sending their tanks and soldiers. 432 golds who was a critical matter several days ago proved to be the sound of victory. However, the USA citizens became forgetful and blame their president of what was supposed to be paid by Americans! What an irony!
2. ATLANTIS became more united.
3. The Dictactorship worked well in producing weapons and the distribution system seemed to work better than PEACE.
4. Gold seemed endless, coming from Romania... and for endless wars in Pakistan... I wonder where they were coming... Might it be they are the bleeding ones?

This is why pyrrhic victory is a bitter victory...

PEACE LOST (yet won)... because:
1. They become smug
2. They are lest coordinated
3. They are overcome with doubts
4. The logistics and the availability of persons are record-low
5. However, we won NGP 😃

1. They were warring in neutral territories which had no advantage to any sides
2. They bleed cash
3. They remained interlocked in mutual wariness for days to come...

Now, back to the warfare table.
We must remind ourself, what have we achieved?

PEACE had achieved much and they should never forget this:
It had liberated Northern Regions back to Russia
It had helped Hungary to reclaim Northern Transdanubia, SGP, and NGP
It had liberated Ukraine
It proved Romanians are actually beatable... and how vulnerable Indonesia is (I count this an enlightment)...

ATLANTIS had achieved less than PEACE... other than:
It had reached its desired minimum unity...
It had proved it could break their limit once more...
Proving once again that the morals of their tactics were noxious (even up to conjuring a fake [GOV] article is the most deprecating form of desperateness and malice).

But then, once you nod and read this, what else entails after this bitter war?

I could answer: IT'S THE TEST OF HEAVENS... (Part 2)