[On Responsibility and Honor] An Open Letter To Germany - Magyar Edition

Day 499, 20:43 Published in Hungary Indonesia by Elros Elrond

On behalf of my personal opinion, I would like to address some Issue to the Government of Germany.

We truly understand and respect your freedom to choose the path you deem the best for your future. If there are any enmity and hostility between PEACE and your government, as cited as one of your reasons for choosing the other side, we respect that freedom and know that we will fight to the death to defend that freedom of speech.

However, as with choices, no matter how free they are, comes responsibility.

The responsibility to be just, humane, and fair.

Therefore, I lay my case so the kind and benevolent German people as we used to know and helped, so Germany could set aside differences and become once again a dignified nation.

We only asked for you to remember your debt and responsibility to our nation and PEACE.
Mind you that this is not a threat or blackmail. It simply is the sanest and most responsible way to start clean and proper as a great nation we all believed you to be both in RL and here.

To restore your dignity which is undermined by your latest choice.

Several months ago,
You are once a conquered nation by Sweden, and through a concerted effort by PEACE, we managed to get your freedom.
You can see our efforts here which spent so much gold and resources, time and planning, so you can enjoy the comfort of independence and choice you now so lavishly exercise.

In this battle

And what really made us hurt was that our gesture of goodwill by providing you with the Hospital in your capita Schleswig-Holstein.

If you may remember and honestly ask your president, it was not a gift from us. But something your nation must one day reimburse to us in its proper value.

After so much sacrifice of time, gold, and blood; all the good relationships and things that we've done to the people of Germany, we are demanding that you honor the choice you made by giving back to what you've owed us.

That way we can regard Germany as a great country. And I know people of Germany as very dignified people, able to see what's just and unjust, what's morale and immorale.

This is not a matter of alliance anymore. It is a matter of responsibility as a nation.

I wish that you would contact our government to honor your choice fully.

I do hope you can be a glorious and dignified country,

Honor and dignity,

Wander Howard