[ON MATZANESIA TO] Sometimes I wonder... Why people are so... wimpy

Day 548, 19:52 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Elros Elrond

Dear all,

I can't seem to comprehend why the Romanians had started the Matzanesia fest lately.

I thought it was only glib talk or some half-baked plan, but when I saw the party and some few hundreds members, one might have to revise the thought of just being joking.

But I wonder... must we TO somebody just because we can't beat it?

Of course I know the phrase: You can't beat 'em, join em!
In this case, why don't YOU join us and be a good Indonesian?

We don't need you to learn our language. Just smile and do us a good deed, be a polite person, do your homework, wash your feet, brush your teeth, and you already are good citizen.

Or is it because you think you can harness 20k zombies in USZw and UKZaG (United States of Zombies wannabe and United Kingdom of Zombies and Ghouls) you can do damage to the Emerald of the Meridian? The Zamrud of Khatulistiwa?

I hope your plans do not backfire. I had envisioned you would attempt this kind of tactic before, but I still had reservations that time because it is simply...


It only had places on plays and satires like this:

Have you no shame?

You, the one who professed that you love us because we're your counterpart, we are what provoke you the joy of battle. Now, you simply...

wimp out

from this eternal contest.

That's no vampiric way of life, or the Valhalla way of running away and just taking suicide in Ragnarok.

Consider the TO please. This joke had gone too far and too sour...


I'm not active yet, but somebody asked me to contribute, if you are pleased with their wimpiness or the wimpy comments, do subscribe.
