[OmniCorp] OmniCorp FAQ

Day 779, 14:20 Published in Malaysia Cyprus by OmniCorp Holding
Q: What is OmniCorp?
A: An irregular (not part of TDM) military unit consisting of 21 persons. Also have some economical influence and the backbone of Adeptus Custodes political party.

Q: What strength can OmniCorp muster in a battle?
A: It depends on the importance of the battle. We do 26.900 damage in defending Peninsular Malaysia last time. We got 13 field marshals and 8 generals amongst our ranks with the average strength level of 16.76

Q: How can someone join you?
A: Sorry, there is no recruiting. If you want to be part of a great military unit, you should join Tentera Darat Malaysia!

Q: It is true that you are RL Hungarians?
A: Yes.

Q: It is true that you were mercenaries before settled down in eMalaysia?
A: Yes.

Q: Will you fight against eHungary if eMalaysia ever had to?
A: We do it a couple of times so far. We shall repel any kind of attack against eMalaysia and even fight against Huns in Asia, but we will never participating any military operation mounted against any original Hungarian region.

Q: Why you choose eMalaysia?
A: Because we appreciated it’s neutrality. We saw more battles than the average citizens and got clear picture about Eden, Brolliance, Phoenix , Antant. We think Sol is the best alliance available in the eWorld, and eMalaysia is one of it’s best organized country. We like the open-minded citizens of our chosen homeland and appreciate their efforts to build a great country.

Q: Do you have plans of PTO-ing eMalaysia?
A: As for this question everyone will say: no. We say it, too. We are here for a few months and got 3-4 congressional members every term. If you can name it a PTO, then, sure, we have 😛

Q: You run a party, Adeptus Custodes. All members of that party is belonging ot OmniCorp?
A: No. Although OmniCorp members give the backbone to the party, we got an increasingly number of party members who don’t have relations with OmniCorp. And we think it is good. We can offer a stable, highly conservative political environment where all welcomed who had interest to help prospering eMalaysia. To mention some funny fact: we got more experience level 21 party members, than FUP and DAP altogether.

Q: We can even see companies connected to OmniCorp. Is anybody allowed to be an employee of those companies or only Adeptus Custodes party members can apply?
A: Yes, currently we got 3 companies in eMalaysia. If there is a job offer, anyone can apply. We don’t mess business with politics: to be our employee you don’t have to be member of Adeptus Custodes.

Any question not listed in the article can be asked in the comment section 😉

Leader of OmniCorp
Party president of Adeptus Custodes