[OFFICIAL] Economics Report- Week of 7/19

Day 607, 14:06 Published in Mexico Mexico by Secretaria del Trabajo
This is an official announcement of the Mexican Government, please vote this up! For breaking economics information, please subscribe!

In this issue...
I. An Introduction
II. Ministry Policy on Currency Evaluation
III. Ministry Policy on Pricing
IV. Wage Adjustments

I. An Introduction

This represents the official assessment of the Ministry of Economics. Whatever you may think of me personally, I will not be using this newspaper to spread any misinformation or express any personal opinions. The words expressed here are meant to be non-partisan and completely neutral. If you feel like what I've said can be construed to be discriminatory towards a particular individual or group, please let me know and I will have that language corrected promptly.

This organization is managed jointly by myself, Rosa Xuncax, and by my Deputy, Scip. Your President, Luisrha, is also omnipresent in helping me to catch the reins in case I have a question about policy.

II. Ministry Policy on Currency Evaluation

At time of present writing, the monetary market shows one gold to equal approximately 74.58MXN, found by averaging the first 5 offers on the market.

This price represents the region where the Ministry would like to stabilize the MXN for the current moment. My position is that we keep the MXN within the corridor of 70-80MXN over the long term. A few weeks ago, we had one gold equivalent to over a hundred MXN, so this is a very rapid rise in the value of the MXN. Some corporations have been feeling the pinch as they've exported, and certainly many government corporations are finding it difficult to maintain profitability.

We'll be continuing to look into the value of the MXN, and we'll take input from Mexican corporations, especially those who export. We value your opinion.

III. Ministry Policy on Pricing

Many individuals, including my distinguished personal friend Milarky, have expressed concern about government welfare. Indeed, I share the concern that government corporations will destroy private enterprise. As a result, let me express my opinion of the methodology by which our companies will operate.

We will move to set a base pricing, but we will not chase other companies into oblivion. In other words, we will move to protect Mexican citizens from price gouging and price fixing. We will try to maintain a competitive pricing, but we do not want to discourage you, the enterprising individual, from forming a company.

Please be aware that taxpayer money is not being relied on to fund these companies. As much as possible, we too have to maintain sustainable business practices.

IV. Wage Adjustments

As mentioned before, the valuation of the MXN continues to shift. As a result, the amount of money that is considered a "competitive wage" continues to vary. As the Secretary of Labor, I will carefully monitor the situation and change wage levels as necessary. In Canada this week, we had to lower wages in order to keep our Diamond corporation competitive.

If you work for our corporations, please be aware that you might see adjustments in your wage payments. We're going to be trying to shift operations and reduce the stress of overproduction.

Thank you for reading. We hope to provide the most powerful information on the Mexican economy to provide stability and confidence in Mexican institutions. 🙂 Send us any questions, concerns, or comments that you might have.

Viva Mexico!

Faithfully submitted,

Rosa Xuncax
Congresswoman, the Northeast
Secretary of Labor
Minister of Economics