[Notice] Training Battles

Day 616, 11:40 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

War-games are to begin in less than a half hour. We will be having battles consistently for a while, so please use the first one or two battles to bring your wellness to 100.

You must be in Styria to heal.
100 wellness: Fight 5 times, heal, end at 100 wellness.
90-99 wellness: Fight 4 times, heal, end at 100 wellness.
80-89 wellness: Fight 3 times, heal, end at 100 wellness.
70-79 wellness: Fight 2 times, heal, end at 100 wellness.
60-69 wellness: Fight 1 time, heal, end at 100 wellness.
50-59 wellness: Fight 1 time, heal, end at 90-99 wellness.
40-49 wellness: Fight 1 time, heal, end at 80-89 wellness.
0-39 wellness: I hope there are very few of you left.

This will always be the war we're fighting in: http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/761

~L, President