[Not UKRP] A Welshman and his voice

Day 737, 12:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

It's been a long while since I last used this nice little paper, so I've dusted it off in order to have a few words with you.

First off a massive Thank you for once more thrusting me firmly back into Parliament or Congress (you decide, I know what I prefer). I know there weren't very many of you but every little helps.

To Business

Let me convince you to do something. You know you can trust your old mate Karacticus.


We have a large community of Unity Party members milling about in something called a forum. In this forum is a vast world of politics, free money and much merriment.

I urge all Unity Party members to join the Official eUK Forum.

Look at all the fun we have

And to the right

You may have seen a mild splattering of adverts and articles over the last few days relating to the second biggest party in the eUK. Now to avoid this and to ensure that you are reading actual sensible goodness please make sure you subscribe to the official:

Unity Party Paper

Ok I'm done but I'll be back very soon.


Woldy is the stuff of legends