[Norsefire] A New Manifesto and Why To Join and Vote Norsefire

Day 1,310, 04:58 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick
Norsefire is a right centre-right wing party and like it is in the real world, it is the same in the eWorld, we want a fair tax/VAT system, which has the lowest possible tax and VAT rates, while the state still being able to afford to pay for a magnificent army and education system.
As it is now, the current tax/VAT system is obsolete. Is was created when the game mechanics were different and even though it is less than a month ago we changed the system last, we feel it is time to change it again.
Right now the state gets in 100000 SEK a day on taxes and VAT. That is much more than needed and thus we would like to see it changed.

Being a part of Norsefire means, that you can be a part of a party, that wishes to make it more profitable to work and thus making you able to buy more food and weapons and even companies, enabling you to fight and work more than it is possible now.

If you look at the daily eLife, you will see a lot of activity from Norsefire members. We are everywhere. You see us in the media regularly, we are on IRC, we are on the forum and if you setup a meeting for Homonavians, you will probably also see us show up there. For us the community is most of the game. Yes we work, eat, fight and do all the other stuff that everyone else does, but it is in the community we live.
That is why you will see, that every time there is a discussion in congress or most other places in erepublik.se, then there is at least one Norsefire person participating. We have an opinion about everything and we like to express our opinions.
When a Norsefire candidate is elected to congress, you can be very sure, that this congress member is active. Norsefire do not have official candidates that is only in the congress for the 5 gold. We are there to make a difference. We are there to participate.

Join #Norsefire.Party on QuakeNet on IRC, if you would like to talk to some very nice Norsefire members. The channel is open for everyone, and we are always happy to see people in there, also if they are not from Norsefire.

Norsefire wants an education system that makes it easier for any new born to be new in the game. The Wolf-Pack system, which works as a mentor program is the Norsefire solution to this. The Wolf-Pack system is already being used in the current education system, which we are very happy about.
Norsefire is a party, that likes to reward the ones, that is a reward worthy. So if you are new born and you do well in your "training program", then you should be rewarded for this. The rewards are already in place, but we would like to see them even bigger, for the ones that really show enthusiasm and work hard.

What is a Wolf-Pack? A wolf pack consists of one mentor, which is a player that have been in the game for a long time, and four cubs. The cubs are new players. In each pack the 5 people add each other as friends in the game. That way the new borns always have someone to talk to. There is always someone in the game they know.
This system is great, as there is nothing worse than being in a game, where you know no one. And when you find yourself in that position, you are more likely to quit the game, than if you have someone that can guide you and be your friend in the game.

Increased English Language Usage
Norsefire is the only all English speaking party in Homonavia. If you are not educated in speaking/writing Swedish, then Norsefire is definitely the party for you. Norsefire promotes the use of the English language daily and it is due to this promotion, that we today have an English speaking government and, for the most part, an English speaking congress.
English is the language that most of the world speak today, if they are communicating across country borders. Therefore it is only natural, that the union between eDenmark and eSweden has English as the main language used.
If we one day succeed to have an all English speaking Homonavia, it will be much easier for us to include eNorway and eFinland in the union, which is something we in Norsefire would like to see happen.

Expanding The Union
As mentioned above, Norsefire would like to see the Homonavian union to include eNorway and eFinland. As it is now, this is not possible. One of the reasons is because Swedish is the main language in the community. Another reason is, that especially eNorway do not like the eSwedish attitude, which is shown regularly in the community. We are sure, that we someday can expand the union with these two countries, but it will not happen before the relationship between the two countries gets much better. This means, that the Homonavian community will have to show much more respect for our Scandinavian brothers and a minimum requirement will also be, that the community speaks English as a first language.
In Norsefire we work daily for promoting the union to eNorway and eFinland and this we will continue with. We believe the union has a lot to offer our Scandinavian brothers and that our brothers have a lot to offer us. Together we would only be much stronger than we are today.

Union Treaty
Norsefire wish to make a union treaty. The treaty should contain basic text about how the union is built, who it consists of, who is the leader and what the purpose with the union is.
Norsefire will in the next congress term present our suggestion on how this treaty could look like.

Any union in the world needs a strong military, Homonavia is no exception.
Norsefire wish to work for a well-organized Homonavian Military, in which communication is the key point. Without superb communication and tactical strategy, no army is strong.
Only through unity are we strong, and unity goes through you and everyone else within Homonavia.

Norsefire wish a military that is more transparent that it is at the moment. We have no objections to spend a lot of SEK on the military, as long as we can see, that we are getting our money's worth.

Summa Summarum
If you are for a fair tax/VAT system, you like to be a part of the community, you like a good education system, an expanded union and an excellent military, then Norsefire is definitely the party for you.
Everyone is welcome, as long as they work for Norsefire politics and speak English. Everything in Norsefire goes on in English, even when it is two people from the same country talking.
No one is treated differently, just because they are new born or very old. No matter how old you are in the game, you will be able to candidate for congress, as long as you promote Norsefire politics.

Join today and become a member of a party, that promotes having a good time, no matter where you are from.

Sincerely Yours,

Link to Norsefire: