[NnK]: Interview with Huang Chung

Day 721, 20:09 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
Hello eJapan! I am eJapan's new Secretary of Communication: Myung Kei, bringing you another edition of the Voice of Japan.

As your Secretary of Communication, I serve as a secondary communication link between the cabinet and presidency of the current Dokomo administration. If you have questions, complaints, or just general ramblings on the current state of affairs, feel free to contact myself at any time here on eRepublic or on eJapan's official IRC (#ejapan @ irc.coldfront.net), which I am on daily. Also, feel free to sign up the forums here: http://nipponblog.net/forum/ and meet new people!

Today I bring you a ministry which plays a major role in the eJapanese economy but usually is hidden behind the erudite positions of the Vice President, Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and others: The Ministry of Industry, which is headed by the Minister of Industry, Huang Chung!

Today I sit down with Huang Chung, a cabinet official in President Dokomo's administration

What ministry position have you been appointed to serve in President Dokomo's cabinet?

Dokomo was kind enough to appoint me to the position of Minister of Industry.

does the Minister of Industry oversee, regulate, or is supposed to do in general?

It is my job to monitor the overall condition of the industries within eJapan, such as the food or weapons industries, to see if any suggestions can be made to help improve the situations within each sector. It is also my responsibility to assist new business owners by giving them the tools and the information to succeed where they might not otherwise.

What conditions, as the Minister of Industry, do you look for in the various markets and what can you do to improve the market in that particular sector?

The easiest things to look for are the wages of the employees as compared to the global average as well as the cost of the goods on the market as compared to the global average. Some of these things are beyond the purview of my position, such as the exchange rate, but other things are within the scope of my position. Case in point, the food industry: Everyone knows that eJapanese food is very inexpensive while being a very high quality good! One way to siphon off excess domestic product is to encourage domestic producers to export to countries where the food market is much less saturated. I can improve the situation in a particular sector by pointing out to the industry as a whole--opportunities that might not have been considered.

What valuable information is available that the Minister of Industry can give to new business owners?

The first and most important thing a new business owner needs to know is that not all regions are created equal! Do a little research using everyone's favorite eworld map http://www.egobba.de/. In addition to that there are two other important tools that can make running a business much easier. eGobba's company tool http://www.egobba.de/company and ErepTools http://ereptools.pl/. The last tool is one that is readily available and is probably the greatest untapped resource for new business men. Existing business men! Most eJapanese business men are more than willing to help out newcomers. A great place to pick their brain, or find out what congress is up to, or many other goings on in eJapan, is the official eJapan message boards located at http://nipponblog.net/forum/

Alright next question, in your view what remains the biggest obstacle thus far to the successful continuous growth of the eJapanese economy?

The largest obstacle is the lack of natural resources on which to found a diversified economy. Because of this it takes a bit more creativity to run a weapons factory, a gift shop or an airline company in eJapan than in a resource rich country such as eRussia. With coordination, like that which is seen in the Ministry of Defense's Iron Must Flow program, domestic orgs can set up foreign companies to supply an industry in dire need of raw materials not found in eJapan.

Speaking of the "Iron Must Flow" program, what is its goals to the readers of this interview, and how successful in your mind has the program been?

The main goal of the Iron Must Flow program is to provide the eJapanese weapons manufacturers with a reliable, inexpensive and plentiful supply of foreign iron. Currently there are only two companies that are expressly operating because of this program. Mugen Corp and Black Dragon Mining, both located in Western Siberia, supply their iron directly to the eJapanese market. It is essential that more eJapanese companies open up mining operations overseas, both for economic prosperity and for military security.

What other organs of the government, and cabinet positions, does the Minister of Industry cooperate with?

Since I, as the Minister of Industry, am subservient to the Minister of Finance Vorph there is a great deal of cooperation between the two of us. As the MoF controls the money market it is very beneficial for me to be on the same page as him, lest I give erroneous advice! I also coordinate with the Minister of Defense, KITA Ikki, as the Iron Must Flow program is not only essential for the MoD and their programs but is also an integral part of the expansion of the eJapanese economy

What advice and input do you give to president Dokomo?

It is a privilege and an honor to serve President Dokomo in any capacity he requires of me. Because of that whenever there is a specific question put to me I answer to the best of my abilities. Whenever there is a question asked of anyone else I do my best to chime in when I feel an alternative perspective would be helpful. Whenever there is a general question put forth I feel it is my duty to let him know what my thoughts on the topic are. I also do my best to bring in outside points of view, whether it be from a PM I've received from an eJapanese citizen or something I've read in a newspaper article. I think the best advise I can ever give President Dokomo is the advise he doesn't want to hear, regardless of the topic.

As a personal question, what do you feel about the Economic Board and its new head Kenji Fujimoto?

I was on the Economic Board under President Oraizan but it was a very underutilized collection of players. We were presumably chosen because of some ability we had shown and yet we were never consulted on anything and our input was never requested. I'm hoping that the Economic Board will transform itself from a useless entity to something useful, a resource to all eJapan. With Kenji Fujimoto's dedication and activity level I hope that the information they collect can be a useful tool in the ongoing struggle to grow the eJapanese economy.

Last question for the future business owners of eJapan, what market in its current state shows the greatest plane of opportunity to expand and grow a business in your opinion?

In my opinion the market with the largest potential is the weapons industry. With all the war and rumors of war that have been in eRepublic recently it's a good time to be an arms merchant. This is predicated, however, that there is enough iron flowing from outside of eJapan to supply the factories.

Okay, thank you for your time today Huang Chung, may you be successful in your endeavors!

Thank you Myung Kei for wanting to share my thoughts with the eJapanese populace. May eJapan be successful in it's endeavors!