[NnK] Congress Update: January 19

Day 791, 00:26 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Diet's activities as this mid-session.

2 Gold for Sempai-Kouhai Program: The Diet votes to fund the Japanese mentoring program.

Military Budget: The Imperial Diet approves Minister Metic's Defense Budget.

Internal Affairs Budget: The Imperial Diet votes unanimously in favor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' 1500 yen budget.

Legal Procedure and Conduct in IRC: Representative Yonsil questions IRC operating procedure.

Motion of Censure Against Koppanyi Ferenc: Decorated Japanese soldier and multiple-time representative Koppanyi Ferenc is censured by the Imperial Diet in a unanimous vote. The resolution reads as follows:


It is the sense of this House that the granting of citizenship to persons with the intent of influencing elections represents a clear danger to the State and to our way of life, and is a grave abuse of congressional privilege.

Whereas an investigation has determined that Koppanyi Ferenc granted citizenship, and lobbied others to grant citizenship, to multiple persons with the intent of influencing elections; and whereas he has not agreed to any remedial action to correct the situation, it is the determination of this house that Koppanyi Ferenc knowingly endangered the republican process of this State and abused his privileges as a member of this House.

The Diet calls upon Party Presidents to use all means in their power to deny Koppanyi Ferenc election to this House or to any other body for a period of at least three months. The Diet advises all members that for a period of at least three months, approving citizenship requests at the behest of Koppanyi Ferenc is grounds for punitive action.

South Korean Policy: In light of the end of Theocratic rule in South Korea, the question of Japanese policy toward the peninsula is raised once again.

Discontinuing the 15 JPY Bonus Program: The Imperial Diet of Japan votes against ending the 15 yen bonus for players who participate in the national forum.

Mutual Protection Pacts with Russia and Greece are discussed.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声