[NL] A belgian's say on a recent matter

Day 835, 11:39 Published in Netherlands Belgium by shadowukcs
NOTE: the Following message was send to me by DemetriusA. He wrote this article and deserves all credit for it. I was in no way involved in the writing process (tho I do agree strongly with this article)

A belgian's say on a recent matter

Recent talks have appeared regarding the matter if we should reunite. Of course, many times in the past we have told you that there is no desire to do so. Unfortunately, you seem to be in a state of denial by simply claiming that we "should speak for ourselves" and that there are those that do want to reunite. So I would like to analyze the way democracy works, at least in eBelgium:

As you might know, we in eBelgium have a congress formed up by congressmen. Congressmen are elected by the population. Obviously, the congressmen who will be picked and voted will be those that share the population's ideals. Therefore you could say that our government reflects the ideals, opinions and goals of the entire country.
And since none in our government supports the idea of uniting with Netherlands, it is safe to say that our entire country doesn't want to do so. I suggest you stop uselessly spending time and effort on the idea of opening diplomatic relationships with us based on the premise that we'll accept since we won't.

That's not mentioning the fact that the idea of United Netherlands fails as a whole. I mean where exactly is the "Belgium" in "United Netherlands"?

Since you won't achieve anything through a diplomatic path, it is plain obvious that you shall attempt to take us over through a military campaign and since the majority of your population seems to support that idea, I believe it makes it a very viable option. Unfortunately you'll only manage to bury yourself in more trouble since if you do so, the spanish and the polish will not allow it. Of course being the cowards you are, you plan on attacking us after the spanish-polish threat is over. Well I am here to tell you that even then, there will be countries ready to jump to our help. But it's not over yet, leaving the fact that you'll be utterly defeated aside, you'll also loose your reputation. I mean what kind of image are you giving yourselves by attacking a neutral country which has never shown any sign of aggressiveness towards you?

Let it be clear! Belgium is a proud, independent and free country! And shall remain so for many years to come. So just stop deceiving yourselves into thinking that we want to unite!

