Nithraldur - Does he really want it?

Day 590, 15:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Top Gun

Greetings my fellow citizens of Ireland.

As most of you who know me would know,writing long editorial articles aren't something I do much,however,after how the election campaigns have turned out so far,I would like to express my opinion on the matter.
Keep in mind when I do write these sort of articles they are usually quite long,so I advise you to put the kettle on! 😛

As like last month,this election is a two horse race, ISRP and supporters vs the Irish Union Party.
Once again,the ISRP have fronted Starks Hayter and Aran Tal.
Once again,IUP have fronted Nithraldur and Severin(I'm assuming Sev)
All well respected politicians.

Which brings the question to ask,what's different from last month?
Why should the outcome not be the same,with the exact same politicians running?

The answer is;


Let's have a look at our current Taoiseach standing for his third consecutive term.

We have Nithraldur,who has held office for the last two terms.
Before becoming president for the first of those terms,he had been president before.
He had already accomplished the goal,most citizens set out to try to do.

Before being elected,he was criticised of rarely being found in discussions on the forum,and indeed his participation in the cabinets of the administrations preceding his,are also limited to a ceremonial role of Tanaiste in Theus Jackus' term and nothing at all in my term afterwards.

Nonetheless,he did run 2 months ago.
But did he have the ambition back then?
I don't think he did.
I believe it was moreso because when Igor Thunderbrow left,the IUP had no other suitable candidate to run in the election,perhaps aside from Severin,who thought it was too early to step up.
Certainly, Severin contributed more towards the campaign that Nithraldur himself in that election.

Nithraldur defeated Kiemar in that election.

And last month,Nithraldur was decided to run once again and yet again,the major players of IUP remained more or less the same,with the except of Vyse,although he had only recently returned.
Severin still refused to try his hand at the top job either.

Nithraldur was competing against the alliance for change.
With ambition comes new ideas and a willingness to change.
Nithraldur's campaign had nothing new,most of the manifesto was the same ideas from the last month,which were not implemented,as it even says in the manifesto itself.

The excuse was that already being in power meant Nithraldur didn't have to offer new ideas or change.
Which of course is a poor way of seeing things,already being in power is no excuse not to consider change and possible improvement.
Nithraldur's manifesto last month was basically a rehash of the last month.
I think this reflects upon Nithraldur's ambition to retain presidency at the time.

And onto this month and well, just look at the campaign.
Once again,a lack of leadership stepping forward leaves only one contender,Nithraldur.
Rather than proposing the same ideas again like they had the month before,they decided not to launch a campaign at all!
It takes an hour or two to write a manifesto,this decision was made in the afternoon 3 days before the election to not bother with a campaign.

I think it's a somewhat disrespect to voters,to stand for re-election,and basically tell them:
"look at what I did before,vote for me if you want, kthxbai "
Nithraldur said himself on IRC chat,that he doesn't really mind either way if he gets re-elected.
That's not the sort of attitude you want in a president.
He has little ambition for the job,and someone with little ambition for a job,does not do that job as well as they should.

Compare it to another chapter in e-Irish history.

Imanewbie,the best Irish president in my opinion,was elected three times consecutively.
Each time he wanted the job,he campaigned hard for it and did his service to his country.
Then Petrescu took over and afterwards Imanewbie was nominated for another mandate.
He didn't want the job anymore,but took it anyway because nobody else wanted to take it.
He performed nowhere near as well as he had before.

See the link?

When you take the job of president,your enthusiasm and ambition will decay somewhat over time,it happens to everyone.
In the case of Nithraldur,in my opinion.
He took a job he wasn't sure he wanted,for both of his terms and now,this month,look how it has become.

Surely,in this election there is only one choice.
Give the job to the people who want it.

I have the utmost respect for Nith,he is a great guy.
He truly is.
This isn't an attempt to sling mud,if any of you are perceiving it that way.I hold Nith in high regard.
But because of the opinion I've outlined above,and because I believe it is indeed time for change,

I will be voting for Starks Hayter on Sunday,and I invite you to do so also.

Many thanks for those of you that toughed it out and survived the long read,
I appreciate it.( I hope you have that tea ready 😃 )

I invite you to share your opinions,thoughts and reactions.

Top Gun