[NI] - Invasion Instructions!

Day 812, 09:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by NI Social Benefits Office


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Dear Northern Irelanders,


Many of you will already be aware of this, but after one failed attempt, our wall was broken.

This allowed those dang Norwegians (shown above in full military gear) to enter our beloved region. This means that we are no longer under control of the UK. It is very important any citizens still left in Northern Ireland evacuate to London immediately!

Get your skates on!

IMPORTANT: If you cannot afford or don't want to spend the money for a Moving Ticket to London, follow either of these links and hit send to have one donated to you free of charge:

Moving Tickets 1

Moving Tickets 2

I would request two or one from each - because you will need to move to a neutral country before you can move to London. Try the Czech Republic.

Also, join the military to help fight off those damn EDENers!:

This article was written by Tom Fletcher, current Senator for Media for Northern Ireland