[NCL] For the people! For brotherhood!

Day 2,164, 14:34 Published in Norway Finland by WP Attak
Together we make a strong nation!

I am not asking for everyone to drop their power gaming but if we do not play for the nation we will not be strong. So, I urge everyone to vote for the NCL and for the people's right to play.

For a new strong eNorway we need to rethink about use of government income and taxation. Let's pull up the nation from "Asgard baby" to a ruling strong nation that eNorway should be. This is all up to you, I cannot do it myself.

My old party agenda still stands:


If you vote for NCL you know your vote goes for you (yeah that is You) my Comrade. If you vote for NCL you know it is for the best of the nation.

Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!