[MoPR] Situation update for Dummies

Day 976, 09:33 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
Since the current situation has developed, and a number of people seems to have problems understanding the information that has already been given, here's a quick recap on the past days in these parts of the fantabulously fun and engaging game of eRepublik

The Country Presidents
On July 5, the Russian collaborator Cl4trap used the Russian TO team in Norway to get enough votes to be elected Country President (CP) of eNorway. Shortly after he was impeached, and the second candidate Mr Gordon Gekko a.k.a neppons became the new CP.

In an effort to remove the last piece of game joy, Mr Gordon Gekko and Swedish CP, Per-Otto, decided to destroy eSweden and eNorway. Mr Gordon Gekko used his access to The Bank of Norway to pay for attacks on all Swedish regions, which Per-Otto retreated from. Soon, only Smaland was what was left of Sweden, and under attack by eNorway. (A Country President cannot retreat from the last remaining region of a country).

eNorway's situation
By attacking Sweden, all eNorway's Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs) were cancelled, since Sweden had alliances with the same countries as eNorway. "Owning" a ton of Swedish regions means nothing with no allies to help defend them and a rogue president too eager to retreat any attack from our enemies.

Martial law
Finished with the attacks on Sweden, neppons then handed the password for Bank of Norway over to Freke, who also took control over all other government orgs and changed their passwords. He declared himself as acting president of Norway in what would be similar to a martial law situation. Former country president Tommy Skaue is acting as Minister of Finance temporarily.

According to the eRepublik wiki, if one of two president candidates has already been impeached during the term, he/she cannot be reinstated. All in all, the congress found it best to have no president for the next two weeks than have one who could retreat all our regions to an enemy, most likely Russia. However, once Gekko was impeached, Cl4trap was surprisingly reinstated.

Admin intervention - congress is in charge
Just before 09:00 eRep time, Cl4trap no longer is president of eNorway. Freke has asked the congress to act on their responsibility and install a temporary government until the next President elections on August 5. Except for the in-game Country President tools (propose war, attack, retreat), such a government will be in full function since the forums and organisations are under safe control. We are in a bad state, but we could have been worse off. Believe me.

What now?
The most pressing matter at hand is to provide eNorway with a safe congress in Sunday's elections. Read this article for more information. I will organise the ATO effort as informed earlier. Cl4trap and seko38 are still alive and kicking, and their TO team must not be allowed to win this time.

Sweden will be taking their regions back, one by one. Do not defend original Swedish regions. Instead, you can step by and help convert tiles for the red/rebel side in the Resistance Wars. Unless the battle orders tell otherwise, of course.