[MoPR] eRepublik V2

Day 926, 10:37 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
Did you know there is a new version of eRepublik coming? Of course you do. I just told you. Joking aside, a number of our newer citizens might not know about V2, and a number of our veteran group might not have gotten the overview. Last winter, version 2 was said to come "this spring", although no particular date has been set yet. But since admins report one module after the other to be finished and they have been beta testing for a while, it means that we should prepare for a launch pretty soon. This is a summary of how V2 will be.

The basics of V2
Today, a citizen of eRepublik has a certain amount of experience points, wellness points, strength, rank and working skills within three different skill areas: land working, manufacturing and construction. When you work, which is once a day, your wellness points decide how much productivity you deliver to your employer. When you fight, your wellness, strength, rank and wether or not you have a weapon comes in to effect. You gain wellness by being given gifts from others (up to 10 points a day), and your wellness is maintained by having a house and/or food in your inventory when the day changes (at midnight, eRepublik time). And that's pretty much it.

V2 is much more complex and will allow us to be a much more diversified community. For starters, there are no less than 11 different professions we can specialize in. And each profession enables us to work with different products and services, for instance the Marketing Managers who designs the packaging of food and travel tickets. But before you can even package a travel ticket, the itinerary for the travel must have been established by a Project Engineer and the paper for the ticket must have been manufactured by a Producer. Hence, there is no longer one single raw material leading to a finished product but a combination of products and services coming from several other companies, which a travel agency needs to buy before being able to sell a ticket to a given destination.
Read the eRepublik Insider article on professions for a full overview.

Skills and well being
In order to master a profession, you must of course work within that profession. However, the concept of libraries is also added, so that you can study to achieve even higher skill within a profession than from mere work. The training of military skills is no longer a one-way road. We now have to choose what type of military skill we want to train. And finally, our well being is not only about the "health" (wellness) but also our happiness which needs to be maintained. I'm not sure what your semi-idle citizens will be called after this. 12-clickers, perhaps 😛 Your day and how you want to divide your effort between various activities is done in the Time Management module and can still be done once a day, but there are a lot more choices to make. Do I want to become a specialist or a generalist?
Read the eRepublik Insider article on time management for a full overview.

As mentioned above, the number of products and services is now getting expanded because each end product consists of a number of other components. In other words, we will see a whole new picture in how and where companies are established. Some of the smaller countries will most likely specialize around their core resources and political debates will flourish around wether or not to regulate the market into training specialists within decided fields of work, etc, etc. One interesting aspect are the houses and hospitals which will now decay over time, so that they need to be maintained. This is one of the reasons why many countries, eNorway included, are reluctant to buy new expensive hospitals for all their regions and rather want to see how existing hospitals are converted into the new ones.
Read the eRepublik Insider article on products for a full overview.

Oh, but wait - there is more. The companies can now must customise their products. So instead of being of a certain quality level (Q1, Q2, etc), companies will now upgrade to get more customisation points. This will lead to a diverse range of products on the market, for instance some food will boost your health while other food will boost your happiness!
Read the eRepublik Insider article on Customization Points for a full overview.

How the profile page looks in V2. Click on the image for a larger view.

For an additional summary, you can read this eRepublik Insider article with an overview on the new economic module.

Oh yeah - the military module is 100% new. What a challenge this will be in the future V2! No more "we clicked the button most times" to win a battle. Now weapon types, terrain, military skill variations and not the least strategy and coordination will decide the outcome of eRepublik wars. And we will have to decide who to fight in the one-on-one fights. Which squares to defend and which to abandon. I am sure there will be some months before we figure out all the aspects of this one! The Insider articles really explains the new concepts well, so I will just link to them:
- New military module - overview and screenshots
- Skills, specializations, military units
- How the battle goes on

The attack and defense of a region is now a much more complicated affair. Click on the image for a larger view.

A whole new game experience
Although there seems to be no particular plans on a new political module, it is obvious that the political life of eRepublik will change dramatically. I look forward to see parties with actual ideologies get a renessaince. Regulated versus free markets. Focus on economic growth versus military strength. Specializing versus diversified company structure. The hype aside, I truly believe that the new eRepublik will be a better eRepublik in most aspects. And that we will have a much more interesting game to recruit new Norwegians to.