[MoPR] Do I live in Poland now?

Day 925, 05:26 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
A short while ago, Poland secured our region Sorlandet in the war versus United Kingdom. Poland is now in position to gain initiative on this front. While Norway according to our news events has been in war with both Sweden and Poland the last few days, this is really a joint operation of so called "region swapping" between three allies.

The operation means that Sorlandet will remain under Polish control for a while. Sorlandet is one of our non-hospital regions, and is as such uninhabitable. If you want to gain experience from fighting, you should be living in Vestlandet, Trondelag or Svalbard & Jan Mayen. But since a number of companies is located in Sorlandet, this raises a few issues. The government recommends you to keep working for the Sorlandet companies to avoid them losing their employee base. Here are the most common questions, and the answers to them.

I live and work in Sorlandet and only have access to the Polish marketplace - what should I do?
Since you technically live in Poland, you only have access to the Polish marketplace where PLN is required. You can make a deal with the company owner that you resign from your work (or have the company fire you) and that you reapply for a vacant position with salary in PLN. When Sorlandet becomes Norwegian again, any PLN salaries will be locked to this currency, so you will need to switch back using the same method. You can exchange any NOK you have to gold and then back to PLN in the Monetary Market. Contact Immigrasjonsverket for help if you are reasonably new and have trouble maintaining wellness due to the situation.

I live in a Norwegian region but work in Sorlandet - what happens with my salary?
As long as you keep your current job, you will be paid the same salary as before in NOK which you can spend in the Norwegian market place where you live.

I own a company in Sorlandet, do I have to pay my workers salary in the PLN currency now?
No, only if they live in Sorlandet (see above). You should continue to pay your workers in NOK if they are located in Norway. You can also still sell your products on the Norwegian market. The licenses for which markets you can sell on is unchanged.

I own a company in Sorlandet, and now I can't offer new or update existing products in country X
This is caused by the state of war Poland has with country X, or trading embargoes, prohibiting Polish companies to trade in that country. Exploit your other international markets and be patient. Sorlandet will be returned back to Norway soon.

I own a company in Sorlandet, and now I can only buy raw materials in Poland but I have no PLN currency. What do I do?
As long as you (if you are direct general manager) or the organisation that owns the company is in Norway, you can buy raw materials there for NOK and donate to the company. But if you have gold, check the market prices versus the PLN exchange rate - it might be more profitable to buy some PLN and get raw materials in Poland if they are cheaper there.

What is this region swapping all about, anyway?
The reason for the current maneuver is explained well by Pakr in this article (Information till eSvenskar) Varför attackerar Polen? (Swedish language) from which I have borrowed the images below.

During the past days, Poland has proceeded through these regions..

...in order to get into position towards eUK's region Scotland.

We are sorry for any confusion and inconveniences this campaign has caused, and will keep you updated on how the Polish offensive unfolds. In the meantime - kick back, relax, have fun, enjoy. Your government is in control 😉
