[MoPR] Day 991 - State of the nation (UPDATED)

Day 991, 10:23 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
Just a quick update for those Norwegians who hasn't been able to keep up with the latest events.

Country president elections
As suspected, the takeover candidate Cl4trap got the rush of votes needed during the last two hours of the elections. No votes in the Norway were deemed unfair by the election comittee during the 6 hour confirmation process. This has been appealed. For more information and voting statistics, read this article.

President impeachment
A short time after the elections were confirmed, congress member Mr W proposed an impeachment against Cl4trap. With the congress pretty much divided in half between takeover representatives and loyal Norwegians, there were not much hope to gain the needed 66 of cast votes for the proposal. When the congressional vote closed, however, the proposal had gained 10 votes for and only 5 against. This means that the proposal is accepted, although at present its formal status is pending. Cl4trap will be escorted out of office as soon as the Supreme Council (admins) have decided to ratify the decision (fix the bug).
Update: Impeachment of Cl4trap came into effect at 15:40, day 991 of the New World

Nord-Norge, Finland
Currently, Nord-Norge is under Finnish control. The region was captured during a state of temporary mental illness (account hack, read the latest eRepublik Insider - Update 4) of the eUK Prime Minister, who retreated a Finnish attack. The progress from Finland into Svalbard was reset, and it is an open question wether or not Nord-Norge will be given back to UK or not.

Tax changes on oil
Since our chances of liberating Vestlandet seems to be rather slim for a while, there is no need for protectionist taxes on oil, or any other raw materials for that matter. The Norwegian economy will have to focus on products manufactured by purchase of raw materials from abroad. With the drop in raw material prices all over the world, this is to our advantage through the build-up phase that lays ahead of us. Consequently, the congress have decided to lower the import tax on oil to a minimum. The tax change proposal is still pending awaiting ratification (bug fix) from the Supreme Council (admins).
Update: New taxes on oil came into effect at 15:40, day 991 of the New World

Tax changes on tank and artillery units
When the new military units were introduced a month ago, tax levels needed to be set. Unfortunately, the congress member making the proposals was suffering from a severe hangover after a congressional banquet the night before and got the numbers a bit mixed up. Since all the other congress members attended the same banquet and were rather hung over as well, the proposals passed with 1 income tax and 15 VAT on both products instead of vice versa. There are now proposals for new taxes on tank units as well as new taxes on artillery units under voting in congress.

The government
Pending the impeachment of the current president, it is still possible to apply for minister and governmental positions. I just discovered that the recruitment article is missing from my private newspaper, and judging by shouts this seems to be happening to a lot of newspapers. Sweet. Click here to read a repost of the article.

Still a bit of wait and see for us. But hopefully, the situation will improve shortly.