[MoINFO] Important Information [ALL CITIZENS READ]

Day 1,023, 17:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Citizens of Ireland,

We have come under an attack, not only in the form of the comprimise of several government organizations, but imposters of important Ministries.

The current circulating [IMoInfo]Updates on Recent Events. is an imposter, fake, false, and should be ignored at all costs.

The current situation regarding the compromise of any government organizations is very unclear and the culprit, while the evidence is up against Niall H, is currently unknown.

One may note the Irish Foreign Ministry's donation list of a considerable sum to KarlKorne. Officials are investigating this currently although we do not believe Karl is guilty of these horrific acts of treason.

Proof that this article is real and the other article is a fake.

-You can see my legitimate appointment as Minister of Information appointment here.

-You can also tell that the article is not official because of the obvious bias. The Ministry of Information acts only to provide the truth and inform the eIrish citizenry not accuse individuals of acts without evidence or state any political viewpoint/

-All legitimate Ministry of Information Press Releases legitimacy will be certified by either myself or Co-Minister Eladrion Sionnodel in the comments section.

-I am a credible and relatively well known individual around Ireland. The Irish Ministry of Information is an org that anyone could be behind, whether myself, Ajay Bruno, an Indonesian multi, or a Russian hacker.

Eladrion Sionnodel
Ministry of Information, Ireland.