[MoIA] - Public Service Announcement

Day 962, 04:08 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe


The dust has settled and eRepublik Rising (v2) has taken full effect. With this version comes many new features that may leave some confused. Recently, upstanding citizens Geno Garon and Vai Siv have independently published articles here and here giving excellent information on the new system. It is encouraged that all citizens give it a read.

As health and happiness effect all the actions we do, I thought I should re-post the effects daily activities have on a citizen’s stats. For more complex formulas on productivity and such, one can check the wiki. But as far as your own health/happiness go, here’s how it breaks down:

Health: -Q (ex: a worker at a Q3 company will lose 3)
Happiness: -Hours (ex: if you work 10 hours you lose 10 happiness)

Health: -1
Happiness: -Hours

Health: -1
Happiness: -Hours

Health: n/a
Happiness: +Hours

So, as you can see your health losses will not be that high, and your happiness losses have potential to be devastating. Make sure the food and houses you purchase mend you based on how much health and happiness you plan to lose daily.
Also, if you mess up one day and lose much more happiness than you planned, don’t panic. You don’t have to go buy the highest quality +happiness food right away; instead, you can just use entertainment for 12 hours the next day or two to recover.

Moving Tickets!

Moving tickets do not work the same as they did in v1. Instead of a q1 ticket allowing you to travel across the globe, each ticket will now move you between 1 and 5 zones. Use this image to see what kind of ticket you need to buy to move to your destination. Simply look at the color box your destination is in, and use the key to see how many zones you will need to move.

Lost? Confused? Questions?

Your government is here to help! If you have any questions about the game or community please please please ask! There are plenty of active citizens who are willing to lend a helping hand. If you don’t know any citizens, ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Health & Education for questions about game mechanics or anything else.

Getting Involved!

Another upstanding citizen, Yonsil, has pointed out some flaws in our system. Young citizens are not making as much as an effort to get involved as they could, and likewise, Japan's veterans are also not reaching out as much as they possibly could. In an attempt to get any players interested, I will be opening up some junior deputy/volunteer positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The workload wouldn't be much, but if it gets someone the least bit involved its worth it. Click the link in the previous section and send a message with inquires.

A goodbye

Long-time citizen and member of government Angrr has recently published announcing his eventual departure. The ministry wishes him the best in his future endeavours.

That’s all for now, Japan. Subscribe for government news! We’ll keep you posted!

Ministry of Internal Affairs

-Sugawara Michizane
Minister of Internal Affairs