[MoIA] Public Address 6 FEB 2011

Day 1,174, 16:23 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Note*: The interior ministry is now run by me Kashikoi (Sardar). Please contact me if you have any complaints or concerns.

This is eJapan's official newspaper. If you are interested in authentic eJapanese news, please vote and subscribe! Also, please stop by and visit us at #eNippon on the Rizon IRC server.

I am sure that you are all aware that we are currently at war with South Korea. Yes, war. This is not a drill or a training exercise. South Korea has been taken over by a Romanian group known as FSR and they vowed to erase Japan off the face of the map. But rest assured, in the name of freedom, the JIA and related paramilitary forces are currently taking emergency steps in order to stem the flow of over-zealous and over-confident invaders. I strongly encourage all citizens who have not yet done so to join the soldiers of Japan on #JIA in order to provide further assistance.


KITA Ikki has been re-elected and shall continue to lead our glorious nation to new heights.


The MPP with Bulgaria is to expire shortly. Congress is currently debating the establishment of new MPPs with various countries. Due to the lack of assistance provided by our allies, it is possible that expired MPPs will not be renewed.


Congress has elected both a new speaker and a new minister of security. Yagami M, already our nation's historian will now also be speaker of congress. Virusxpl, renowned for his direction of JEC has been elevated to the position of MoS.


-Day 1173: The sum of 29 000 JPY was donated to the National Bank of Japan


In-browser IRC client (join us on the Rizon server, channel #eNippon).

National Forums.

Sempai Kouhai Program (a support org for newbies).

Japanese Imperial Army.

JIA’s daily orders.

Japanese Election Commission.

Japanese Holiday Association.

National Bank of Japan.

Kashikoi (Sardar),

Interior Ministry

Ending note: I am currently editing this article. (erepublik really needs a preview function)