[MoIA] Government Update 19 DEC 2010

Day 1,125, 10:44 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

This is eJapan's official newspaper. If you are interested in authentic eJapanese news, please vote and subscribe! Also, please stop by and visit us at #eJapan.gov on the Rizon IRC server.


New rules have forced South Korea to attack Shikoku before we could end our current war. Fight there to help defend the region but be aware that this is not a continuing act of aggression by South Korea. Once our natural enemy proposal with the USA passes (more below), appropriate measures will be taken to close the Korean war as soon as possible.

EDIT: 10:10, Day 1126. Did someone say 'Pearl Harbor'? No, sorry to steal the Hollywood glimmer from your eyes. The Japanese attack on Hawaii is not an act of war. It is one further step in our plan to rent Chubu to the USA. You can read the president's statement here. Defend the homeland. Fight in Shikoku.


To end the rampant bias and bullying, eJapan's IRC channel has changed owners and administrative rights have been placed in more capable hands. You can read more about the discussion here.

In an effort to keep citizens active and informed, as mentioned in the previous editions, we invite all eJapanese to join us on the new and improved national forums as well as on our official government channel on IRC. Just sign on the Rizon server, channel #eJapan.gov, and then sit back and watch your government at work (for better or for worse!). The chat is kept civil and well moderated, allowing only members of government to speak, but all citizens are free to watch and observe.


A proposal has come before the Imperial Diet to declare the USA as our natural enemy. As president KITA Ikki revealed in his newspaper, this is not an act of aggression; rather, it is to help prevent complications in the coming Chubu landswap.


Congressional elections are looming. If you're yearning for a seat in the Imperial Diet we strongly encourage you to speak with your party president about the matter. Likewise, we strongly encourage all party presidents to screen their candidates for PTOers. The JEC has requested a list from all party presidents, due by day 1127, which provides the names of all one's official candidates as well as which regions they'll be running in.


It must be noted that, so far, four members of the Imperial Diet have quit before their terms ende😛

Alfred Ball,
Ushiromiya Kinzo,
Sugawara Michizane,

-Day 1124: 647 GRD was transferred to the National Bank of Japan. The final vote was 15-6.
-Day 1122: A proposal to transfer 253 gold to the Fires of Heaven organization was rejected. The final vote was 4-24.
-Day 1121: 23,103 JPY was transferred to the National Bank of Japan. The final vote was 20-5.
-Day 1121: A proposal to increase housing taxes was rejected. The final vote was 7-19.

MoIA Communications Officer