[MoI] Tutorial -Hospitals

Day 1,342, 13:07 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Ministry of Interior

- Tutorial about Hospitals

Hospitals allows you to get free health in battles. To buy hospital, only president can start law about that. He must select region and round. Law must be accepted by the Congress. Hospitals have two things: Full wellness and wellness per citizen. Every citizen can get wellness until hospital loose full wellness.
Hospitals (lined by qualitiy) are:

Q1 HOSPITAL - Every citizen can get 10 units of health and hospital gives total 5000 wellness.

Q2 HOSPITAL - Every citizen can get 20 units of health and hospital gives total 10000 wellness.

Q3 HOSPITAL - Every citizen can get 30 units of health and hospital gives total 15000 wellness.

Q4 HOSPITAL - Every citizen can get 40 units of health and hospital gives total 20000 wellness.

Q5 HOSPITAL - Every citizen can get 50 units of health and hospital gives total 25000 wellness.

There is special site where you can see where is acitve hospitals
and when will be active hospitals http://erepublik-market.cz.cc/hospital.html. Exept that, you can see in which country is available and how much hospital gives you well.

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When is available, you will see that when you want to fight.

In big countries you must hurry up and come on begin of round for using hospitals but in small countries hospitals can have duration of all round.

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That all from Luka in this number.

Ministers of Interior,
Luka Tomasevic Tomas and sgtchewy