[MoI] A Long Awaited Peace: or How a Glove and a Hat are always in style

Day 1,722, 18:52 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Well here we are folks, peace is on the table. The Brolliance is not completely dead, but it certainly is in shambles. But in this online world, can anything truly die if the will power is there? As the current Minister of Information my role is to seek out (with the assistance of my deputies) the important events and people of the day and present what this administration is up too.

To that end I am starting these publications with an interview with GloveisLove to try and get some insight into what he is feeling now that this war is winding down.

Here is the result of that interview:

R:What goals are looking at for your terms, both long term and short?

G:Ending the war with Canada and killing pigs.

R: How does eCanada fit into your view of eMerica

G: Canada will be our bro again eventually.

R: Do you have any plans to deal with the divide within your population in regards to eCanada?

G: We had our fun invading Canada, but its time to do something more useful, its time people stop being bitter and leave this chapter of our history behind.

R: What are your thoughts on the CanAm war? Specifically, where do you go from here?

G: Peace.

R: In regards to peace, what is your opinion on our congress narrowly turning down peace?

G: Congress is upset with Canada, we need to work on our relationship.

R: Looking more broadly, how do you think the eUSA will fit into global affairs?

G: You'll see. ^_~

After asking if he could elaborate on any of his answers, or give a message to the eCanadian public he responded with:

G: I've always considered Canada a valuable ally, and traditionally we were bros, we will be bros again someday, and I look forward to shaping a new world alongisde our bro.

Admittedly, that was a brief interview and I was hoping for more substance. But sometimes you can't always get what you want. So after a quick chat with Jacobi we decided I'd let Jacobi respond to a few questions in regards to the Glove interview, here is what resulte😛

R: Do you think Glove will be successful in healing the rift within eMerica?

J: I think he'll make a good start. I think he certainly has the capacity to but its a large problem and American Presidents normally only do a term at a time. I think it'll be just as interesting to see what Glove's successor does as what he does in the next 30 days. I do wish him all the luck, however.

R: What do you make of his comment that our congress is upset with eCanada?

J: He's right, they are upset. We have almost systemically dragged our feet on this process, and its given a lot of impetus to the more hawkish members of Congress to press for our extermination. They've had to work with a diminished MPP stack for such an extended period of time that patiences have been running out. I certainly don't blame them, I'm just holding out that once everything is over with that we can let go of our grudges.

R: Do you think now is really the time to be killing pigs?

J: Pigs are delicious, and you can make many things with them. I'm certainly not opposed to pacific adventures for the US.

So there you have it folks, the hat and glove are in consensus, pigs be going down! So light up your BBQ's folks cuz pigs be gunna fried!

But seriously, what this administration has gathered from my brief chat with Glove is that, while yes, we all know that relations have cooled, but there is room for progress to be made on both sides to begin healing the damage that lulz often bring to close friends.

While this particular article is rather long, that is what happens with interviews. 😛 In future you can look for pieces by my deputies about other points of interest in eCanada, but until then this is Randall Flagg, signing out!